How do you develop more self confidence?

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AJ27 wrote...
623 wrote...
AJ27 wrote...
Like someone told me once: "just do it."


No. Someone from work. She's...very chipper and active.

Yeah I figured, it was just sort of a joke because, you know, Nike's slogan and all...
I have confidence that i don't have any confidence at all, and so i cant improve something i don't have.
But whit time you learn to live whit it and don't give a shit.
hmm... don't think that i can advice that tho, doesn't work to well for me.
I try to be productive on my free time, and do things that make me happy. Exercise helps alot
I worked out and people complimented my musculature
i live for me and not for anyone else or to impress anyone. urr just started to build more courage and taking on my fears slowly. i try to motivate myself, workout, be open minded, try new things out, change my habits a tiny bit. i guess to develop confidence you gotta ask yourself what is it your lacking and whats making you feel less confident. you gotta invest time in yourself to change. i def don't have the best confidence in the world but i try to be the best i can be.
For me it's:
Being used to the fact you can't get everything and please everyone.
Knowing you're never alone and that people around & beyond are as vulnerable as you.

after that everything else.
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