How do you prefer the bush groomed?

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Bush Preference?

Total Votes : 185
Are you by chance on of those finicky eaters who won't let their corn touch their mashed potatoes? XD

thats totally me!!! i dont know why, but i do that all the time!

but back on topic, SHAVEN FTW!!! A small strip (not a patch) is okay, but shaven (waxed) is totally preferable.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Mr. Orange wrote...
Are you by chance on of those finicky eaters who won't let their corn touch their mashed potatoes? XD

thats totally me!!! i dont know why, but i do that all the time!

but back on topic, SHAVEN FTW!!! A small strip (not a patch) is okay, but shaven (waxed) is totally preferable.

I wanna see you wax something off your body and then expect a girl to wax down in her genital region ._.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Mr. Orange wrote...
Are you by chance on of those finicky eaters who won't let their corn touch their mashed potatoes? XD

thats totally me!!! i dont know why, but i do that all the time!

but back on topic, SHAVEN FTW!!! A small strip (not a patch) is okay, but shaven (waxed) is totally preferable.

I wanna see you wax something off your body and then expect a girl to wax down in her genital region ._.

That's what I've always thought. I'd never have the heart to tell a girlfriend that she needs to shave if I wouldn't be willing to do it myself. I don't know how it got to the point that it is socially acceptable, if not borderline required, for a girl to shave, but you get weird looks if you mention guys shaving. *shrugs*
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Tsurayu wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Mr. Orange wrote...
Are you by chance on of those finicky eaters who won't let their corn touch their mashed potatoes? XD

thats totally me!!! i dont know why, but i do that all the time!

but back on topic, SHAVEN FTW!!! A small strip (not a patch) is okay, but shaven (waxed) is totally preferable.

I wanna see you wax something off your body and then expect a girl to wax down in her genital region ._.

That's what I've always thought. I'd never have the heart to tell a girlfriend that she needs to shave if I wouldn't be willing to do it myself. I don't know how it got to the point that it is socially acceptable, if not borderline required, for a girl to shave, but you get weird looks if you mention guys shaving. *shrugs*

Shaving's not a big deal, but waxing is fucking no ._. I'm too scared.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Mr. Orange wrote...
Are you by chance on of those finicky eaters who won't let their corn touch their mashed potatoes? XD

thats totally me!!! i dont know why, but i do that all the time!

but back on topic, SHAVEN FTW!!! A small strip (not a patch) is okay, but shaven (waxed) is totally preferable.

I wanna see you wax something off your body and then expect a girl to wax down in her genital region ._.

That's what I've always thought. I'd never have the heart to tell a girlfriend that she needs to shave if I wouldn't be willing to do it myself. I don't know how it got to the point that it is socially acceptable, if not borderline required, for a girl to shave, but you get weird looks if you mention guys shaving. *shrugs*

Shaving's not a big deal, but waxing is fucking no ._. I'm too scared.

Probably why laser removal is becoming so popular, and more affordable every year.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Shaving's not a big deal, but waxing is fucking no ._. I'm too scared.

Hehehe... can't stand the wax being pulled off hmmm ziggy...?

Forum Image:
How I likes mah bush

Go on Google
Look at pics of Sasha Grey's bush
Morning Star Soba-Scans Staff
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Mr. Orange wrote...
Are you by chance on of those finicky eaters who won't let their corn touch their mashed potatoes? XD

thats totally me!!! i dont know why, but i do that all the time!

but back on topic, SHAVEN FTW!!! A small strip (not a patch) is okay, but shaven (waxed) is totally preferable.

I wanna see you wax something off your body and then expect a girl to wax down in her genital region ._.

I'm afraid of both shaving and waxing personally because I think that I'll either slice into or rip out somehow the femoral artery (on my it's like right at the surface, I can feel it under the skin and see it, dunno about others).
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Preferably like his hair.
If you shave the bush the tree will look a hell lot bigger. >;3
spalose wrote...
The loli way is the true way nano desu ^_^
Thou a little isn't bad either, as long as it still looks cute nano desu

What the lolimaster wrote :)
GreenZero wrote...
spalose wrote...
The loli way is the true way nano desu ^_^
Thou a little isn't bad either, as long as it still looks cute nano desu

What the lolimaster wrote :)

I third this!
shaven is always nice.
I don't mind hair as long as it's maintained.
Catcher wrote...
Forum Image:
Preferably like his hair.

Bahahaha. I'm trying to decipher whether that's serious or just a joke.
Not a loli fan but prefer it shaved.
Ok....since i had first done the "deed" i think it depends on the girl and the you know I think a lil patch is fine but a bald one is ok if they can pull the look of so like if the "lips" are all nasty and droopy....sorry fakku....too
The less hair I have on my "hoo-ha" the safer I feel.
Here's something to the guys. Maybe this is one reason why some girls don't shave.

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