How do you prefer to read your manga?

How do you prefer to read your manga?

Total Votes : 2,881
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
TsundareKing Hidden King of FAKKU
Digital for me. After so many years reading manga online, it's awkward to have a print copy in your hand. Not that I'm not willing to read a print manga, manga is manga after all, no matter what form of media you use to read it.
I agree with tsundareking I feel like it'd be awkward to have a printed version in my hands o.o
Honestly, I'd really prefer print because I like being able to at least feel like I own it physically whereas the digital reading is more convenient and accessible. Just my preference really, but I'm used to appreciating the works of other people more when I either go out to the store or buy a print online and wait for the mail. The anticipation is nice and adds more to the experience overall, but it's just my opinion.
I love to read print works vs digital myself. The only reason I got into digital was when some of the series I bought physically were dropped in America or if I wanted to read something I didn't wish to own personally. Other then that I buy printed works whenever possible.

Something about owning a physical copy of a work is personally memorable. I like holding and flipping through pages of a work. It just has a certain charm to it that is lost in digital works for me. The same is applied for films as well, even if I stream or torrent things I'll still buy the works when I can.
If possible, I'd like to read it in print. But since my wallet doesn't allow it, I simply read digital. I mean, it still is manga, isn't it?
I wouldn't mind prints but... If my wallet allowed me to get them I would a much much much bigger room with 3x has many shelves... So print does it[size=10][color=green][/color][/h]
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I always prefer physical books, although I don't actually own that many. Have to make choices with my money, sadly, and a lot of manga isn't available in print in a language I understand, either.
Does it matter? As long as you love reading your manga that's all that matters.
LucifelXIII Lord of the Flies
Print!! although I can't complain about digital. I mean that's where I read my To Love-Ru Darkness <3 ^~^
I like books. Books never crash after 14 hours of reading at 2 am. I do, but books don't.
Unfortunately i have no ero-manga in my shelf... Although i have a lot of books/manga. It's a shame, but this country(Brazil)has almost no erotic manga titles.
So half of my collection is on the internet.
Digital for me coz if many of these are print. well i have to buy it

BTW whos that 1 and only guy there??
Digital is easier but print is also good, I like to collect manga
[color=green]I always prefer the physical item over the digital, whether it's games, anime, or manga. For me, it makes me feel like I actually own the item. That and I actually have the space to store these items. So yeah, no disrespect to the digital side but if I can get it in physical, I would.[/color]
A kindle/e-reader is always an option.
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But nothing beats a physical copy in the hands.
It would be nice to actually have a print copy of the mangas I read... sadly enough I haven't seen any physical distributions around where I live.
I used to get physical copies all the time but then I started reading series that you could only read online due to availability and it's been like that for a while now. So I haven't bought a manga volume in some time. So, while I do enjoy reading a physical copy, I voted for digital because that's become the norm for me.
[size=12][color=brown][/color]I can't pick!!! The affordability of digital, and the convenience, but the ability to forever have the collectible book, (which usually has better translations) and the steady pace of updates, I DON'T KNOW I JUST LIKE MANGA TO MUCH UGHHH. But for the sake of the poll, i voted digital, because that where i read the majority of my manga...because i'm poor... [/h]
L337MASTER Master of Hentai
I like being able to own a physical copy of manga I like so I can read it whenever, like if the internet is dead or something. I usually use digital to see if a manga is something I would be interested in buying a physical copy of.