If you could speak any language what would it be and why?

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Japanese. I would really like to go to Japan and roam around. It would be easier to travel and buy stuff if you know how to speak in Japanese. Also, it's for the anime, manga and other stuff. It's really hard to find eroge games which have english subtitles.

Spanish. Many of my country's old documents are in Spanish language. I would really like to learn it so I could read some of them.

Chinese. For some reason, I want to learn it for business purposes. :D
Better chinese... i am born chinese, and can read chinese, but i however can't write for shit in chinese(only the real basic stuff), my mandarin is terrible, my Cantonese sounds funny... so i am pretty much white washed

to speak better english... people always ask me to say the question again coz of my accent

Spanish - expanding economic market

Japanese... same reason as everyone else
Just go and learn it and stop wishing you could. I'm learning Japanese because I want to be able to understand it well.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'd like to speak and read japanese because of their entertainment industry (anime, hentai).
I would like English since I can't English.

Better Hmong.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
English, Japanese, and German.
Japanese for sure. Sure the bonus for anime is great, but especially for the sake of games and being able to play ones that never come over.
I want to learn Russian.
French, because I really like how it sounds. Elegant and lyrical. You could spit out a string of insults and it'll sound more like an incantation. At least, that's how it sounds to me. xD
Assumeing I get to keep my English skills then Gaelic.
French because it just rolls off the tongue. Beautiful language.

Japanese too because well.. it's Japan.
Japanese for Sure!
I want to finish learning German. After that's out of the way I'll do Japanese (duh), and after that I'll take Spanish because I live in Southern California. I might take another language after that if I'm not to busy learning some other instrument.
I want to learn Japanese for the same reason most of you do. To read and watch anime and mangas that might never be translated. I also would like to speak Russian, just because everything in Russian sounds amazing and manly.
Considering I speak French Italian and Spanish already, I'd like to tackle Latin and ASL.
English. Then Japanese, then German, and then Yiddish.
Korean, so I could try to make some attempt at talking to family more often.
I would love to speak "Urdu", i heard many thing about Urdu like its a language in which we'll get a great and meaning full respect for our elders and even for younger. I also wondering about the "Urdu Shayari" what a beautiful way to represent the expressions from one person to other Wowww..!! just love it. :)

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Japanesee sub-texted language that is in manga books and chidren-speak.
Then it would be easy to understand and speak the real thing.
Japanesee is a very hard thing to learn.
Putting Japanese aside, i mean everyone here wants to speak Japanese.

Icelandic, right now i can't speak it at all. I understand nearly 80% of it. Most of my family lives there that's why i want to learn it.
And improve my english too.

Edit* Why do people want to learn Swedish? Jag är förvirad.
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