If you had to grade FAKKU...

If you had to grade FAKKU, what grade would you give it?

Total Votes : 6,622
It's the only site porn site that won't crash when I visit it! ...explaining this requires a long and sad tale...
I give an A, it needs more hentai anime for it to become an A+
Love the site! Definitely the best hentai site I've seen before. Only thing I can think of that would make it better would be more videos.
How anyone could rate this website below an A is beyond me.
I think fakku is a great site, it's absolutely wonderful. Not only is your site structured for ease of access, it also has a great community, and i probably am not the first to say "come for the manga, stay for the comments." Yeah, there are a few flaws here and there, your video and game section is lacking, but who cares! If you're here, then you obviously have an imagination, otherwise you'd be at a NORMAL porn site! Anyway, i DO have one last thing i want to mention; PLEEEAAASE add a Gender Bender tag, you really do need one.
Is this a trick question?
theres alot of things that would make it so much awesome-er then it is right now...but its still the best damn site ever!!
FAKKU is a great site and one of the best hentai sites out there... but it's not perfect and it does not offer some of what i look for, like a few hentai manga titles (complete tankubons) and hentai vids... -i get me self some tankubons from hentairules and vids from subdesuH-... still, im thankfull that i have found this wonderful site... gave it an A
I want to rate it better but I don't think I can. It's borderline "A." Sometimes it goes down more than I think it should (I know things happen so this really barely adds to it, it's just annoying when you REALLY want to read something so you can pretty much disregard this part) but one of the big things is the "vanilla or bust" douchebags.
It's a fucking hentai site.
Why you gotta be so fuckin' judgmental?

Does no one see the irony in this?

Anyway yeah some of the people are just really fucking annoying but otherwise the site is pretty damn great. Wish there was a bit more variety in content 'cause it seems like it's one extreme or the other. Sometimes searching for titles or tags doesn't work unless you do it in a really specific way. The colours are easy on the eyes and it's generally very easy to navigate. Umm. Yeah it's fine besides those few things a couple sentences back, like I said. Feeling lazy with the typing at the moment.

Great, but not the best yet. Having more content than the current rate would be satisfactory for me.
The best SITE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! LONG LIVE FAKKU!!!!
<3 The community alone is an A+
I don't believe in perfection. There are always flaws in anything, whether we perceive them or not. Thus I give unto the second best score, dat A.
10/10. Best Hentai site you'll ever see.
Whoa..... perhaps those who vote for F is just trolling or have a bad experience on "Incoherent babbling" section in the forum.

They don't know what they are missing.

FAKKU=Grade A+
i hate fakku because you are the best site with epic community
There's still room for improvement
Gave it an A. Ever since I found this site when I was a third year high school student I've been reading almost everything that has been posted here, loved the freaking site and just joined community only recently I think that was about a few months ago it's actually been 5 years since I discovered this site and I'm currently in my fourth year in college. I would've given the rating an A+ if only... you'd update the second chapter and possibly the third of Katakoi by Hisasi, and also few more works of Takuto... just kidding. Being here also made me try the idea of learning Nihonggo from scratch. Haven't found a better site than Fakku aside from g.e-hentai.org which is kind of nice but lags make it a bit less preferred to Fakku.
My Favorite site for Hentai :3
Fakku is the only site I use for hentai.
Monster Girl
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