If you were the opposite gender for 1 day

I would have sex with OP.
Fro wrote...
7DS-LUST wrote...
Probably just stare at my penis. Cause I never seen one before in real life!

Same, probably just stare at it then figure out how to even walk with that thing and spend the rest of the day jerking.

its complicated, there's a trick to it, and even then we still make mistakes, but we can't show it in public... it'll hurt like hell trying to figure out how to walk. it'll probably take a weeks worth of time to get used to the sensitivity of the pair... the worst kind of pain you'll feel from down there is not from an impact but a brush, be sure to buy some lose pants.

chibi FAKKU girl wrote...
one thing that I always wondered: what does a public man's bathroom look like?
I always wondered if it looks the same as a woman's

so I guess, if I woke up as a man one day, I would go and check that.

I would do many silly "male" things, like walking around shirtless and in boxers, try to pick up girls(though that would be a bit awkward, lol), and obviously, fap XD

don't expect much, most guy's don't pee siting down, and they cant aim for crap... seriously disgusting. it stinks, near every bowl/urinal is a yellow puddle, most of the time its still in the bowl's.

you should have bigger dreams. say visiting a male public bath, signing up in a male strip club so see the guys dress back stage, going to a male gay bar. hmm... what other things cant you do as a female... walk "outside" in your boxers. try getting a taste of the reverse, instead of taking it dishing it out, ect. (getting an extension on time and going to a all male school (that's what i should do as a female! all girl school! XD)
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
bakapink wrote...
don't expect much, most guy's don't pee siting down, and they cant aim for crap... seriously disgusting. it stinks, near every bowl/urinal is a yellow puddle, most of the time its still in the bowl's.

Pansies, those guys.
Typical answer
Probably spend the day getting used to the new body, I mean dimensions would change so what would be my usual morning routine would be odd. My arms wouldn't have the same reach, my legs would be more slender, my skull would be shaped slightly differently, everything would be out of proportion. After that... Dunno girlfriend is scuzzed out by lesbians, but she'd keep close tabs on me. In the end probably regret my inability to do anything.
I'd definitely do naked/seducing pranks on my budds and snub them like a boss. Then act like a tomboy/myself the rest of the day. Also take a pee standing, totally.
My hips would move on their own.
Probably the usual, like everyone else :

Fuck myself.

Probably try to put on very revealing clothing and see how it would feel like when everyone is watching you for other than me looking nerdy like my usual self.
Are you serious? I'd smack my ass, play with it a bit, maybe finger myself, play with my boobs and try to lick/suck on them, and finally I would have sweet lesbian sex :D heh heh, naughty
hopefully i'll be a hot girl.

because besides the given (masturbation) i'd probably go and fuck around with my friends

certainly can't really face my parents unless they somehow knew i transformed.
Probally just wake up, not realise I was female until around 11:30pm when I go to have my first fap of the day (Yes guys I piss sitting down, GET OVER IT) and not have enough time to finish up, it seems to take my GF ages to cum, I think im just shit at sex. Then I would cry deeply into my pillow since I wasted this once in a lifetime oppurtunity.

Why do I fail at life?
Play with myself ... what is more fun than that?
Pursue a successful career, Invest in various rare metals, Start a small busines- Fuck it, I'd fap all day long.
I would buy all kind of sex toys and play with them as much until I feel satisfied, then I'll go to an orgy shortly because I crave for more pleasure. Finally, I'll schlick myself out in the opens.

[size=5]On the other hand, I want to explore the wonders and pain of being a woman in this god awfully horny world.[/h]
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
If I was a girl I'll masterbate go on fakku and have sex with another lady!
try sex and see things from a different perspective
Be overly stressed and socially awkward for the whole day.
Hit on girls. Have group sex. Cum in a girl's mouth. Do a girl from behind.

Play soccer...
Not much different. Other than try to adjust to being a girl one day, only to finally get used to it when the day is over.
ive lived both genders already... really, its nothing special -_-

hell, i used to say oh my god!!! if only I had my own boobs id play with em all day long, i mean wont that rock??? free boobies... now i have em it feels like meh... ok...