If your waifu came to life...

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MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
MrTickTock wrote...
2D in a 3d world, it just doesn't look right. They would be so out of place dont you think.

But if I were to consider the suggestion that my 2D fantasy appeared right before my eyes (and being single), I don't think I would hesitate either way. If she was able to do what any real girl could do, then what difference does it really make? Sure she would look different from everyone else, but wouldn't it be shallow (and discriminatory) to let that get in the way?

not in a discriminatory way, just like how something looks out of place, of course as people who live in a 3 dimensional world, it would be hard to see something in a 2 dimensional form interact in our world.
And i know that other people dont matter, but how do you think everyone would react to the sight of a 2d girl in our world. I dont think it would be a very happy ending.
MrTickTock wrote...
not in a discriminatory way, just like how something looks out of place, of course as people who live in a 3 dimensional world, it would be hard to see something in a 2 dimensional form interact in our world.
And i know that other people dont matter, but how do you think everyone would react to the sight of a 2d girl in our world. I dont think it would be a very happy ending.

Well, because this is all what-ifs we could suggest a "more reasonable" scenario in which the 2D world happens to intersect the 3D world. An entire world of 2D people connected by some gateway to our world, not just one girl. Then it's easier to call it an interracial couple thing, yeah?
3D renders are a little weird IRL, which is is why CG looks weird sometimes. I'd have a good mix of the two, depending on who it is. I wouldn't have a problem with them looking anime-ish or completely though
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Neither, I would rather live in her anime world instead.
Japan Not Japanese
FinalBoss wrote...
Neither, I would rather live in her anime world instead.

How do you plan to get there?
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Lolicon wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
Neither, I would rather live in her anime world instead.

How do you plan to get there?

Puff the magic dragon.
I'd prefer anime look as long as she feels like a real woman.
i dont think my 7-11 has that much lube.
Soon it will happen when we start, making human in lad with bioengineering then I will make Erza, Asuna, Asuka, Rin and so many other girls.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10898108_1598050247092843_902520718104058128_n.jpg?oh=05e48bbc42a52d32351d177c6979b932&oe=55630E4C&__gda__=1428528628_0996c77421a5130051c36fd281dd4238
Lolicon wrote...
If your waifu came to raifu...
Japan Not Japanese
SUPERHELL wrote...
Soon it will happen when we start, making human in lad with bioengineering then I will make Erza, Asuna, Asuka, Rin and so many other girls.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10898108_1598050247092843_902520718104058128_n.jpg?oh=05e48bbc42a52d32351d177c6979b932&oe=55630E4C&__gda__=1428528628_0996c77421a5130051c36fd281dd4238

I hear yah
It would be hard to mate with a mermaid since I never did it before
Japan Not Japanese
Kaypi wrote...
It would be hard to mate with a mermaid since I never did it before

I'm sure you'd find a place to put it eventually.
I'd have to go with her being a real woman.
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