Is it ethical to tax the rich more than others?

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FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm on the fence about this issue. A part of me says that the rich should have more taxes since they have more money, while another part of me is saying that taxing the wealthy more is practically punishing success. Of course, taxing the hell out of the rich benefits the economy, but some say that money doesn't last for long periods of time for it to be of any significance.

What do you think? Is it fair to put more taxes on the wealthy just because they have more?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
They won't miss it.
Yes, tax the riches more .. otherwise more people will fall on the lower class than ever.
Great power brings great responsibility and all that jazz. I don't really think it's any less ethical than adults doing more work than kids. People give from what they have, and if they have money, they should give that. Taxes are not a sanction but a responsibility.

Not sure if high taxes are good for the economy, though, but they are good for the people.
It is ethical that everyone gets taxes and that the rich get a little higher taxes. But I do not approve of the rich getting insane taxes on them. There should be a limit, sure, rich people have more but we shouldn't tax the hell out of them.
Yes the rich should be taxed more. Not a matter of ethics or not, if you earn more why shouldn't you give more?

In an extreme example, even if you tax 90% off of Bill Gates' personal income, the 10% that's left for him is still a million times what you earn. The taxed money should then be used by the government to find methods of narrowing the rich-poor gap, making life easier for the people that are really struggling.
Is ethical?
Being ethical means acting in the way in which the concepts of good are favored.

So if you tax the rich for the wellfare of the many, yes.

They might not be happy though. But it is ethical.
But if its for personnal ue or spending on something other than others, meaning public measures, no, it can be considered unethical.
It's not like they're gonna fucking miss it.

Who in the holy fucking damned hell needs 50 cars in the garage anyways.

But rather than tax- because tax money goes to the government and we all know that the government does an absolutely splendid job at handling money- the money should go into funding work projects and R&D; shit that will whip the country's ass back into shape.
They're actually tax less then the common unmarried man. They have accountants and tax havens. Single people from 12,000$ to i believe 4 million gross per year(before taxes) pay 33% of their income in taxes which the 3 % of that is unemployment and ss. Problem is the higher ones can pay for better people to find loopholes and send your money to some tax free island. So it's more for the ones in the 500 grand to 4 million range then joe who makes 23 grand a year before uncle sam takes the 33 % away. Which 90% of those people get some of it back.

Just fuck the loopholes and heavens then it even 33% of a million is 330,000$.
Yes i do. I find it annoying how the rich complain about taxes so much in America
Normally in a capitalist system, you would think no, it wouldn't be moral to make the "harder working" pay more. However in America, where the economy is DEPENDENT upon perpetual wars, I've reached the point where I view the super rich as fucking over everyone (their own citizens fighting for them and way more non citizens dying just for their few greedy asses). However, some actually do become successful through not only respectable, but valiant means. It's interesting though, that many of these wealthy, honest, entrepreneurs like bill gates actually support tax increases for the top 1 % or super wealthy that control 90% of the wealth.

Many interviews of celebrities supporting super wealthy tax increase.

The arguemtns against tax increase that is spouted by the right goes something like this, "Plumber joe can't run his small business because Obama wants to increase taxes and that makes joe lose all his resources. Damn, big gov't!" But actually, that's not the ideal plan, the ideal situation would be to increase taxes on just the super wealthy 1%.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I believe it isn't.

Most rich people do find a way around it though. But why shouldn't they?
RandyIcon wrote...
It's interesting though, that many of these wealthy, honest, entrepreneurs like bill gates actually support tax increases for the top 1 % or super wealthy that control 90% of the wealth.

Not that weird, when you got more money than you can possibly spend, and have no idea what to do with, why not put it to good use? People are sometimes nicer than you'd think.
Gravity cat wrote...
They won't miss it.
Why should we care about the money of others? It's not ours, for what reason should a man complain about the wealth of others? Would the poor man find satisfaction in seeing a the wealth of the rich be taken away more than others? Give me a reason to care about the wealth of others.
otakumax wrote...
Why should we care about the money of others? It's not ours, for what reason should a man complain about the wealth of others? Would the poor man find satisfaction in seeing a the wealth of the rich be taken away more than others? Give me a reason to care about the wealth of others.

it isn't about the fact that they are rich. it's about the fact that they are rich but they pay the same amount of taxes as the average joe. which is poposterious, if they earn more they should have to pay more.
otakumax wrote...
Why should we care about the money of others? It's not ours, for what reason should a man complain about the wealth of others? Would the poor man find satisfaction in seeing a the wealth of the rich be taken away more than others? Give me a reason to care about the wealth of others.

Apathy is part of the reason why the government is corrupt.

It feeds into the cycle.

Corrupt Goverment -> Screw over Common Man -> Loses trust in their Goverment ->

Goverment sees that Common Man no longer trusts it -> Takes advantage of it and becomes corrupt.
I think the middle class should get taxed less and business owners taxed more. Also reduce welfare so we don't have those people who live purely on your taxes without even bothering to work.
Rich gets more money? Moh money, moh problems.
Subete o kui tsukusu kuro wrote...
otakumax wrote...
Why should we care about the money of others? It's not ours, for what reason should a man complain about the wealth of others? Would the poor man find satisfaction in seeing a the wealth of the rich be taken away more than others? Give me a reason to care about the wealth of others.

it isn't about the fact that they are rich. it's about the fact that they are rich but they pay the same amount of taxes as the average joe. which is poposterious, if they earn more they should have to pay more.

So your saying if I work hard enough to get sufficiently wealthy the government rewards me with more taxes? And who are you to tell the wealthy people that worked harder than the average man that he should pay more just because the "average joe" feels that it is unjust?

"if they earn more they should have to pay more."
I'm sorry but that way of thinking is highly illogical, if that case were true then the poor should pay no taxes and the rich men and women would have to compensate for them? Or should the average joes pay more just because that bum in the street says so?

I wonder if you would say the same if you were in the shoes of these "rich" people.

I'm taking no sides in this affair, I'm financially stable as I need to be so why should I care about how much taxes the wealthy men pay for? Give me a reason, somebody make me care.
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