L Change The World

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Takes place 23 days before he dies.

Matsuda's scenes will be cut out of the film and put together, along with new ones, for a TV special.

wow, that's a trip.

i'm a big fan of the live action DN (1 and 2). I'm secretly head over heels for the actor who plays L, so it's good to see him again.

it just looks, well, complicated. still, worth watching. thanks for the video tsujoi!
Hmm, no comments about this whatsoever.

It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I remember one thing very clearly - it sucked. Really fucking bad. The worst part, however, is that my brother loves Death Note and wants to see the movie. I try to tell him, it's nothing like Death Note, it's retarded, it's practically an insult to the series, but he still says he wants to see it. So sad.

I think this actually got a North American release, too. Unbelievable.
I've seen 1 & 2 Live action and I had downloaded this one too, but when I done some reconnaissance on this my wish to see this disappeared...
I've got this on my PS3 with all the Death Note anime and movies. It's two hours+ of constant fail.
To be fair, even the ending to the anime was retarded and an insult to the series. I prefer anime to manga, but as soon as pictures start moving, bad things happen.