Landscape Photography

I've always enjoyed taking pictures and lately have been trying to find a good camera for landscape photos. I would like a camera that has interchangeable lenses but I don't know enough about cameras to make a educated choice, can someone help me.
P.S. I'm not sure this is the right place for this topic, but it seemed the most logical since I'm asking about the camera itself and not tips on photography.
Any camera will do ya. If you want to do landscapes i would advise you in a higher mp camera with at lease 28mm lens, 50 and 80/90 2.8 or low f stop.. which yo can get a zoom lens 28-80 2.8 or 3.5 for a cheap price on it mostly included with a camera kit/ bundle. Make sure the camera has a mirror lock setting if you plan wide angles and stop photography. If you do landscapes a tri or even a monopod is helpful. Brand wise.. it all the same. Canon/Nikon/Pentax.. their all the same.. nikon's has a slight green range out of the box without customing the colorspace. Some fix lens camera will be awesome but nothing beat the sharpness of a slr. Also Raw... make sure you can shoot in the raw format. Nikon raw is something exe renamed.. but on the box and the store should help you answer that question.. also have a manual setting.
Monster Girl
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