Laughter at the Wrong Times

I am a repeat, first-degree offender of laughing at the wrong times.

GF#2: when I broke up with her, due to extenuating circumstances, I had to do it over the phone. She hanged up the phone before I could finish a sentence. Then her friend called and started yelling at me. I chuckled. She pointed it out, and I started full-on laughing. It's this weird reflex.

GF#5: "I can't do this anymore. We can't be together."
Me: "I suppose I understand. *raucous laughter*"
GF#5: "Are you okay?"
Me: "Not in the slightest. I usually laugh before I cry miserably."

I think these examples should give enough info as to why I do it. I just wish I could stop it somehow. Any suggestions?
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
It's not that uncommon. A lot of times when you have a lot of volatile emotions to the point of "overflowing" they tend to come out in other expressive emotions.

When certain people get extremely angry they'll also start to tear up at times. Also sometimes when you are extremely happy you'll tear up as well.

It's kind of a mechanism designed to alleviate the overflow of emotions so they aren't overwhelming.
Try to think about the context, and control it; sounds like a case of nervous laughter to mask negative emotions.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
That happens to me (laughter at the wrong times but not when I broke up with my ex)

Well, I wouldn't think it's all bad, but what I would do is consult with best friends and girlfriend if you have any
I laugh whenever I tell a lie.
Like full on giggle-fit.
This is why I don't lie.
I'm just.. awful at it.

I don't think there's anything wrong with you... It just sounds like nervous laughter to me. But if you really feel the need to correct the reflex, I think.. some professional assistance may be in order. But again.. there are so many worse things you could end up doing when you're nervous. [size=8]Like uncontrollable flatulence or something.[/h]
I laugh before i cry miserably too. And tend to tear up when i'm really angry.

I can control myself a little by taking a deep breath and thinking "its not the end of the world, it's not that bad" And trying to not give a fuck and relax.
I tend to always smile/laugh in response to bad news, so people tend to think I don't take them seriously. Truth is, I'm a pessimist who feels a really strong "HA! Saw it coming!" feeling when I receive (most) bad news, and that often trumps the actual negative effect.

But your situation seems like much more of a social liability.
I tear up when I get angry. Or extremely pissed.
Other than that, I can control my emotions really well.
But this is not natural, as I had trained myself.

What I did was a bit masochistic ~ be warned.
I put a rubber-band(or two) around my wrist, and every time I showed emotion, I snapped it.
Simple, and it worked eventually.
Now I can actually make people nervous if I remain expressionless.

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to fix the 'tearing up when angry'.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Whenever someone abuses my trust, instead of getting angry I laugh, despite getting extremely pissed off at them.
when someone really pisses me off I tend to bottle it up, then I hit the gym to relieve the stress
I laugh to hide my emotions in front of someone or blow something off at the moment to cry about later.
Could be a defensive reflex. Laughter does release endorphins and such so it could lessen the pain of whatever problem your experiencing.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I don't think I could laugh during those situations, but I'm bound to laugh at an awkward moment or two as I like to smile and laugh a lot.
I usually laugh awkwardly right before I burst out crying. It's like there is too many emotions going on, and often the laughter comes when we're talking through some really tough shit... I get embarassed and don't know how to handle the overwhelming feelings, so I just start laughing before I begin to cry hysterically again. It makes people uncomfortable.
When ever I feel absolutely horrible, not like 'I'm going to cry horrible', but the 'why why is this happening to me' or 'oh god my life is a miserable pit of despair' I smile. Like I don't smile normally. I almost never smile, but whenever I'm in said positions I grin, like afterwards my cheeks hurt I grin so much. I hate it.
I laugh when I hear certain people have died at times.
Monster Girl
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