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Hey all, I was just thinking about something and figured it might be interesting to the community. When was the last time you lied? How easily did it come to you? Was it an insignificant "white lie" or was it something bigger?

For me, the last time I lied was yesterday to a friend of mine. They wanted to play a game with me, but I went ahead and told them I was busy because they're pretty bad at it. Before I knew it, it had already happened and they went off to play with some of their other friends. Evidently, I consider it to be a very small, almost meaningless matter.

I'm curios as to how any responses play out. :3
Today. I told my bf I had no food, when I did have food. He took me to the store to get some :V
I felt bad.
Never again.
Well to answer your question I would like to suggest to you that we probably lie a lot more than we realise or want to admit. Even little things like not picking up the phone because you don't want to speak to the person of the other end is potentially a "lie" (after all you are basically pretending not to be there).

In my line of work (medical) we unintentionally lie a lot. Not blatantly like "you are not going to die" to terminal cancer patients but more like avoiding the truth. Often we will have a hunch that a particular lump in a patient is going to be malignancy but we avoid telling them that because we are not sure about the diagnosis until the pathology report comes back. I personally think that patients have a right to know what doctors are considering as their top differentials even if it is a death sentence.
Pssh, i lie to teachers/professors on a weekly basis. I'm assigned books to read and i read the back and google for a summary.. tada done. Come to class and say i stayed up all night reading lolz. This happened right before Christmas break.
I lied so I didnt have to talk to someone annoying at work yesterday.
PrincessTristan wrote...
Well to answer your question I would like to suggest to you that we probably lie a lot more than we realise or want to admit. Even little things like not picking up the phone because you don't want to speak to the person of the other end is potentially a "lie" (after all you are basically pretending not to be there).

In my line of work (medical) we unintentionally lie a lot. Not blatantly like "you are not going to die" to terminal cancer patients but more like avoiding the truth. Often we will have a hunch that a particular lump in a patient is going to be malignancy but we avoid telling them that because we are not sure about the diagnosis until the pathology report comes back. I personally think that patients have a right to know what doctors are considering as their top differentials even if it is a death sentence.

You raise an excellent point. To clarify, I'm talking about lying in the sense that you are intentionally saying something that is not true.
Every time she asks where I've been.
I lie on a daily basis and it doesnt bother me at all.
Lies come fourth on a daily basis.
nisemonogatary reference:you cam make almost anything sound positive by adding the word courage

OT:today i lied and told my bf that im feeling tired and want to go to sleep, but the truth is i played games all day
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Tena-kun wrote...
nisemonogatary reference:you cam make almost anything sound positive by adding the word courage

OT:today i lied and told my bf that im feeling tired and want to go to sleep, but the truth is i played games all day

The courage to play games all day xD
Damoz ~Not A User~
I lied.... to the credit company, i told them i would call back. yeah funny like hell i will.
Higufuuindo The Enlightened
I'm an artist. Artist's are usually good liars, because we have the imagination for it.

Telling a lie isn't very hard for me but I usually lie only when it's necessary.
lies are my bread and butter, keeps annoying people away for good reasons...
usually just small lies, i tend not to dabble in anything huge or anything involving someone else's loss
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I lied when I said I was downloading songs when I actually was downloading Nisemonogatari.

The courage to betray the expectation of your sister!
I lied to the guy working at the gas station last night.
He asked if I have a boyfriend, I said yes to avoid further questions or wtv (like always).
Apparently, it didn't matter to him.
I lied alot.

More in the future.

hmm last time I lied was yesterday around 10:30am ish? I was told by my alarm clock to be up by then, but I told it just 5 more minutes, and I slept until 1pm. Never shall I do that again because I missed my chance to go into town for Chinese lunch.
Hildedge wrote...
hmm last time I lied was yesterday around 10:30am ish? I was told by my alarm clock to be up by then, but I told it just 5 more minutes, and I slept until 1pm. Never shall I do that again because I missed my chance to go into town for Chinese lunch.

LOL, Chinese lunch :P

And I lie on a daily basis, usually small things but Im still guilty of them D: And most of the time I dont even remember the lies I made for the day D:
Hanasaku i should just die
The last time I lied....
Is now.
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