Longest you have gone without masturbating

5 days? I was on a camping trip. Then i was alone in the tent when i woke up. Then i just flopped it out and BAM speed masturbated my way to sweet sweet relief.
about 6-8 months i think.
just wanted to see if i can do something like this, and really after like 2 months you don't even want to.
and whenever you get the urge just do some 500 pushups and your fine.
6 months.
Testing myself how much control I have on my cock.
Then I saw this and that on the internet, then It all shot up so hard that the veins looked like they've multiplied.
1 and a half week. I was on a vacation abroad. That whole week I have tried getting to know the family better, whose house i was staying at. One day, when they weren't home, I stripped my clothes away and walked around in the house bare naked. After that came the fapping session.
Well, I had this long period where I stopped completely. It was something like 10 years.
It really doesn't help since I'm a bit of a 'constant' in the category, but here's a one story I'd want to share:

There was a time last year I went without for about a month without making myself feel good since I was focused on job searching and getting my shit back in order financially. When I finally got a decent one, however, during that time I didn't have my internet for awhile. Then, after I got everything in my life back in order and my net back, I felt the need to release all the built up stress I gathered up for the time I was working all the extra shifts, so I accessed FAKKU! right away, went to my most favorite incest manga, (those who know me well will know what I'm talking about) opened up a few of the well drawn pages I liked the most and let her rip. Felt too good afterwards.
6 Days

I think a weekish when I was younger and thought it was a temptation that should be controlled and resisted or some shit. Currently tis pretty much a daily affair with a few exceptions.
3 months (after getting a surgery to repair ripped muscle layers right below my bellybutton). Didnt really care. I often dont fap for extended periods of time simply because of not being in the mood after stumbling on ntr or something, but when i do it regularly i usually fap 5-6 times a day (2-4 times right before falling asleep, and the rest whenever. I can even do it at work if i want lol)
8 Days.... Till someone got in my way...
A month, but that was a long time ago. I have no idea how I was able to do that, now I can barely go a day without fapping. One cannot simply 'not fap' after visiting Fakku...or maybe its just me >.>
erogamer wrote...
A month, but that was a long time ago. I have no idea how I was able to do that, now I can barely go a day without fapping. One cannot simply 'not fap' after visiting Fakku...or maybe its just me >.>

Same... I wonder why Fakku has that kind of affect...
I stopped baiting for a 9 month period cuz my girl got prego and she just let me let off in there after that.
i masturbate every day whenever i can, do not miss a day
Trying to gain self control by visiting the forums and not having it lead to a fap session (at least during the week).

OT: I believe two weeks or so when I was on vacation a few years back.
As of now, 22 days and counting. I'm working out and I read some article online that muscle development tends to slow down whenever one masturbates excessively, and muscle tissue builds faster when one does the deed every now and then. Experimenting if this is true by testing myself.
3 weeks due to bunch of life's random moments...
I've never masterbated xD
Maybe a week or two?
Two weeks perhapse.
Monster Girl
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