Make-up vs. The Natural Look

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Total Votes : 82
Natural but... I don't mind make up as long as it doesn't make someone look like a clown.
kickiluxxx wrote...
Natural but... I don't mind make up as long as it doesn't make someone look like a clown.

I was going to use a clown as the OP picture but then it would've been more IB material, and I wanted real opinions. I also didn't want to offend anyone.
A little make up never hurt.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Au naturelle is the way to go, generally. However, if done right, a modest amount of makeup makes all the difference. Basically little to no makeup is my preference.

If it's caked on so you look like an oompa loompa:

Forum Image: should just go shoot yourself.
natural look. i don't mind it when girls wear some make-up to go out, but it's not something that's necessary ALL the time.

also, for lolz:

Forum Image:
I like girls in their natural look. Simple as that.
I cannot stand layers of makeup. Natural is always better. It's much more of a turn on for me.
Loner the People's Senpai
I'd say little to none. I can respect a girl who lets her natural beauty show but on the other hand if she's sick or has had a lack of sleep, a small amount of make up would look good to cover those circles under her eyes.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
I've seen people fresh out of bed without any make up and have gotten friends to wipe off their make up just for the purpose of comparing with and without it. For almost all of my friends all they wore was eyeliner. One or two wore a bit of foundation. It doesn't make any difference to me, its not like she becomes someone else. Some of my friends say they feel more self-confident if they wear some make up so I'm not against it. Once you seen someone without it, it become very easy to tell when they have it on.

The only time I would be against it is if someone does it to get a specific look to attract a specific person and its not something they normally do. In short the "I want him to like me" excuse.

iMoloko wrote...
Without eyeliner I get treated worse and people have called me ugly in the past. I constantly get told by the people I date I look much better with eyeliner which to them, seems "natural."

Its kind of similar to glasses. When you always see someone wearing glasses you get used to that image so as a knee-jerk reaction you may look a little weird to them at first without the glasses. I'm not defending how those people acted towards you or anything, they were very much idiots in my opinion.

Naw, I totally understand why they'd have that reaction. And don't worry, I totally get it/take no offense! Thank you. :3
Damoz ~Not A User~
EZ-2789 wrote...
also, for lolz:
Forum Image:

I'm indifferent. I myself actually go au natural 95% of the time. The other 5% I only wear eye makeup. My skin's way too sensitive for foundation/blush. I myself like to play with colors... I have an extremely repressed inner goth girl, so when I go to social gatherings with like-minded people, or concerts.. I go all out. :3

As for other people, I deplore foundation as a concept. It completely ruins your face... my mum's pores are visible from 10 feet away, and the texture of her skin is like that of a leather handbag. It's gross. I prefer the well-taken-care-of look. Clean, healthy, and untouched.

[But I've met quite a few girls who could do with a quick swipe of mascara, and maybe some tinted lip balm.]
Just a bit of make-up for me^^
Sadly, the latest makeup trend is tons and tons of makeup to "achieve a 'natural' look".

So you never know... -_-'

As for me, I only ever wear lipgloss/stick on occasion, and nothing else. It hurts your skin in the long term to put too much crap on it and constantly remove it as well, so I avoid the stuff.
gizgal wrote...
Sadly, the latest makeup trend is tons and tons of makeup to "achieve a 'natural' look".

Good observation.
Natural is the way ... but a little makeup is fine.. the problem is when a little makeup turns to ... circus ...
I don't mind the natural look but I'll still vote for a little makeup.
I guess others would appreciate the effort.
Lollikittie wrote...
As for other people, I deplore foundation as a concept. It completely ruins your face... my mum's pores are visible from 10 feet away, and the texture of her skin is like that of a leather handbag. It's gross. I prefer the well-taken-care-of look. Clean, healthy, and untouched.

Actually, it depends on the kind of foundation you use. It's best to use foundation that is of high quality and is talc free and preferably mineral based, and it won't damage your skin. Also, age of makeup has a lot to do with how it affects your skin, too. A common mistake most people do is that they don't replace their makeup every few months, and their continued use of the old product starts to worsen their complexion. Also, some people are notorious for sleeping in their foundation and not washing it off before they go to bed, which takes an even bigger toll on their skin and can cause wrinkles and blemishes to form quickly. I use foundation every now and then and I always follow these rules, and my skin is perfectly fine. :)
I prefer no makeup. I hate it when my wife goes to kiss me and I've got sparkles on my lips or cheek from her lip stuff. >.< She says that it's to mark me as hers, which is probably why it's so hard to remove. -_- She doesn't seem realize that she looks great as soon as she rolls out of bed and that she doesn't need makeup at all. She's definitely the cutest girl I've seen without it.
For me, the best make-up is the one i don't notice. While there are very few woman who i think can look good without absolutely any makeup, i don't think most girls need a ton of make-up to look pretty. Just a little goes a long way imo

And as for perfume, as long as the woman doesn't smell bad i'm fine.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Make up exists to make girls look better. And I think It does, If used properly, There is always people that either don't use the right make up, use too much or just don't apply it correctly. If done properly, make up can look amazing
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