Most Perverted Chapter?

Fakku chapters rarely stray beyond the bounds of conventional sexual
behavior. Fetishes and perversions tend to be relatively mild, and even
the most outrageous scenarios usually involve well-worn hentai tropes,
often played as much for humor as for titillation.

But sometimes a chapter goes for a walk on the wild side and takes us
down a dark path, into the realm of madness and truly aberrant sexual

What is the most perverted chapter you have ever read on Fakku
(in the sense that you found it genuinely weird and/or disturbing)?

My top pick is:
Received Water, by Kokuryuugan

Nee-san is a haughty young woman with scary, reptilian eyes. Figuratively
speaking, she's a demon in human form---an appallingly cruel sadist who
has turned her younger brother, Akira, into a pathetic, groveling sex slave.
She revels in the pain, misery and degradation of others---even going so
far as to force Akira to watch as she violently sodomizes his best friend,
Yuusuke (who has also become her sex slave).

There's a particularly eerie sequence on pages 7-9, when Yuusuke falls
under Nee-san's influence. It's almost as if she's quietly casting an evil
spell on him (which suggests she might be a literal demon).

Brilliantly written and beautifully drawn, this chapter is a masterpiece.
My second-place pick is:

Inverted Masturbation, by Itsutsuse

Tachibana looks like a cute, adorable schoolgirl, but don't let that fool
you. She's actually a maniacal sadist (with a huge masochistic streak),
who mercilessly taunts her classmate Renjou until he snaps...

Normally, I don't like to see girls get roughed up, but I love this chapter,
which is a mind-blowing roller-coaster ride. The sexual action is so odd
(and so implausible at times) that the story is almost surrealistic.
My third-place pick is:

Next to Youth, by Namboku

Takigami is a fap-addict who discovers that he likes to be watched while he jerks
off. He becomes obsessed with Kudou, a playfully sadistic girl who likes to watch
Takigama humiliate himself by jerking off for her.

There's no love or affection involved in their relationship. They're just a pair of
perverts who are irresistibly attracted to each other, for entirely selfish reasons.
It's a match made in Hell, which ultimately leads to Takigawa's slow descent
into submission and depravity.

Kudou is a fascinating character. She enjoys sex and sadism, but with a certain
cool, clinical detachment, as if she's conducting a series of sexual experiments
with Takigami, even when she lets him fuck her.
Just a suggestion, but why don't you link the chapters you're writing about in the posts?
A lot of people may want to check them after reading that so it'll be convenient.
JAHT wrote...
Just a suggestion, but why don't you
link the chapters you're writing about
in the posts?

I have done as you suggested.
It's a real improvement. Thank
you for the good advice.
gammenon Story Junkie
It's kinda weird. There have been a number of titles at Fakku! that I've found unappealing and distasteful, but I really had to rack my brain to think of a title that delve into the depths of depravity and perversion that I've read outside of here. Only H-anime and some H-games not offered here, and some Western adult comics I've read reached that level.

The only title on this site that I can think of is A World Where All Girls Aspire To Be-Sluts. I know that was in a parallel, fantasy dimension but there was this one chick that went completely off her rocker and randomly let a group of hobos in a park bang her. That made this one of those titles that reinforced the rule for me to read first before taking my wang out of my pants.

I guess I could throw in Does This Strange Body Please You (it's a pay title) but that gets a pass bc I have a fetish for centaur/horse girls :P [Edit: I had the sentence structures right the first time. :/ ]
H-Connoisseur wrote...
I have done as you suggested.
It's a real improvement. Thank
you for the good advice.

A pleasure to be of help.
Here's one of my personal picks, second part of a connectes series of stories by dam:
Lina-sama Also Goes Nuts!
About a girl working as a prostitute, nothing far out yet. Bet then she sees her rival doing this and decides to try it out herself:
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