Motivation, Do You have it?

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So i was wondering... where do all of you people get your motivation from?
i have been working out for quite a while now, but sometimes just working out for a few weeks or so won't cut it. i find it very difficult to have the motivation to work out since I've always been on and off.....
so what keeps you motivated?
In my case, motivation comes only when I work out with other people. On my own, exercises are boring and dull. Since I do ROTC, physical training is mandatory, so in a group, I tend to be a primary motivator.
I only have motivation when editing porn.
The other times i'm just a lazy bastard.
my motivation comes from a number goal. I try to set a goal in my head thats pretty high but not too high like benching 225 for 20 reps or doing 20 pullups consecutively, and i work for several weeks reaching that goal. I dont focus on any other exercise except that goal and continually practice it when i get the chance except when im feeling like a body part needs a little activity to stay balanced. I try to keep my goals simple and number oriented so I have a clear line to move on, and i make sure i grease the groove alot and think little of anything else. I also watch youtube videos of how others do the specific exercise as well as look up online tips that might help me such as technique or stretching exercises needed to warm up.
Since I wanna have rock hard body, I need to have rock hard determination too...
Are we talking motivation in general or for working out?
For working out, I feel more motivated when I have a friend doing it with me. Either encouraging each other or just competing.

Almost the same with typical motivation as well, except its more of a "I want to improve, lets get better" types of thing.
I have someone who always gives "motivated" me .. so better you find someone who can make you "motivated", you can start with the people closest to you
I have absolutly no motivation what so ever when it comes to fitness xD yet luckily i was blessed with a naturally fit body :)
Although i laze about in bed all day most days, im still a thin guy and also blessed that i dont actually suck at any sort of physical activity, hell i used to win 100M sprints in high school all the time
hopefully that should all change soon as im joining the army, im sure theyll give me some motivation, or a kick up the backside...or both
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I have no motivation in working out, it does not suit me. I would rather play soccer for fun, get all the nicotine and caffeine in my body out by sweating.
When I run full marathons, I always imagine that the person I like is watching in the crowd and cheering....

...and what they would think of me should I crash and burn now of all times o_0
Listen to some national anthems, they were made to be motivating. O, and watch some medal ceremonies from the olympics, especially those with big men crying.
The local park is right along my back yard, so just having a nice day outside is motivation enough for me to get out there and walk along the trail that runs through it(2.2 miles) other than that, a jog down the road with Murdock and Chester(My two Golden Retrievers) to the dog park, to let them get some exercise. That and my daily stress relief after work is my 2 hours Tai Chi practices.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I get motivation when I make Rage comic faces on Spore or watching an anime start to finish.

I'm lazy as hell any other time. Not by choice, just fuck all to do.
My motivation is a healthy body.
My motivation is to feel good about my body.
I have no motivation. I've really been trying to push myself to work out more...
I can't speak for people who have never been fat.

I've been fat all my life. My motivation is simple. I don't want to be fat anymore.
PrincessTristan wrote...
I can't speak for people who have never been fat.

I've been fat all my life. My motivation is simple. I don't want to be fat anymore.

Aww! That's great motivation! Good for you!
My motivation is to still fit perfectly into all of my cutest clothes and future clothes that I plan on buying. <3 It sounds a bit superficial, but I really do love fashion very much and dressing up. :3 Plus... I kind of want to look good in a bikini too, and to wow a certain someone~
my motivation is to get where i was after Army Basic/Advanced Training, and well im lacking in motivation at the moment but im gonna get there eventually, also need to be in better shape for hockey.
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