No April fools joke this year?

sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
I may be late to the party but, did I miss it?
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I wish Donald Gump getting into office was an april fools joke.
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Thanks for the update, I don't tweet.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I help maintain the Slime Rancher Wiki, and for April Fool's I changed our Discord's channel names (example #rules to #rules-nobody-reads, #general to #offtopic-without-memes, and #offtopic to #offtopic-with-memes) and implemented javascript to replace images on the wiki with a gif of the transcending cat when the 1st of April rolls around.

Forum Image:

FANDOM has to approve Javascript though and they did it after April Fool's so I have to wait a year for people to see it.
Fooled on April Fools.

A little unrelated, buttfuck it. I thought I was hilarious.