One insignificant thing that made your day better

Discovered and played some new fighting games.
I volunteer on fridays, and on tuesday the volunteer coordinator told me that I need to train a female on friday (and I'm a male).

on wednesday (would have posted earlier to make it "today" but I was busy) I got another e-mail saying that I would be training another female on friday, and the coordinator said in the e-mail "now you have 2 pretty ladies on your wings"

just hearing that made my day xD (even though I know the coordinator is just throwing words around, and everything has to be kept "professional" or to maintain work ethics, which i'm completely comfortable doing)

hopefully it isn't a let down (just hoping they aren't _____, or one of the other volunteers (that I'm not training) try to ruin things for me which is likely)
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I had my first exam today and I felt like it went really well, hopefully it's one step closer to passing Biology!
[color=#993300]Opened $200worth of Nerf guns for my younger brothers BD party tomorrow
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I got a Gameboy Advance SP and 5 games for £4 at the charity shop today. A steal. Gave one of the games to my till buddy as she wanted it and I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars. It doesn't have a charger so I'm going to have to fish out my DS charger to see if one of the adapters fits it.

I also got 2 framed pictures for free because their time on the shop floor expired and were just going to be thrown away.
Was expecting my import for Japan like 1 month away still, then I checked the mail and it came early. So happy, this PlayStation 2 game is amazing. The opening is so strong it's been stuck in my head all day.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Did a bit of a movie night with some friends.
Fencing with the guy and my friends
Drinking wine and enjoying hentai.

Good times ^-^
I finally got the go-ahead to start kick-boxing again, a month and a half after my shoulder was dislocated! I can also start going for my morning jogs again :D
Finding a obvious Y instead of a V in a camera ticket....not mine ^_^
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I got the Xray mod to work on Minecraft, after many attempts. It turned out I just wasn't reading the installation instructions properly.

I know it's considered cheating to some but I was not going to find Diamonds by blindly mining and hoping for the best otherwise. Turning on Xray mode confirmed that.
I finally worked out a way to get rid of the stupid voicemail notifications on my phone. Permanently.
[color=#993300]FINISHED some FINALS!!
Nice music downloaded, finally got to use my 1TB external hard drive, and a favourite drama of mine is going to have a 2-hours special.
I have the house to myself for a bit longer than usual today. Off to release myself.
Found a new song I can play on repeat
Found the German Opening to the '90s MegaMan cartoon. IT'S FUCKING EURODOME, KIDS.

I found the important item that was crucial to my family; I am relieved!
I am so happy to have better wifi finally \(TT0TT)/