One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

I already finished my new book. 375 pages is too damn short.
I really miss someone but I can't see him right now.
Last minute shopping and packing before flight...
Medzy wrote...
My brother decided to stream a show he's already seen before in 1080P, and then do other things while its playing.
Translation: I've had to work with this DL speed ever since I woke up.
Forum Image:

Welcome to my world. Everyday.

OT: I've got a huge headache that is probably a combination of having been to a rock concert yesterday and sleep deprivation.
How much I wanted to get done, but didn't.
Internet has been super slow today..
Nearly crashed into another car due to brakes not working up to par.
I'd had a huge pimp under my skin in the middle of my forehead for a while now, so I decided to try to take care of it...
I've stabbed the shit out of it, put all the weight I could on it, nothing. Still there.

Also I fell off of a 6 foot scaffolding and landed on my back.
it was a bad smell from the garbage outside
My fridge makes weird noises :s
My xbox stopped reading discs.
What I assume was EA's servers fucking up during an online Mass Effect 3 match, rendered me unable reload, pick up more ammo from crates, and even made it so my shots, powers and melee practically went right through enemies. To add insult to injury, the enemies could still hurt me as I tried in vain to shoot them.
Internet has been absurdly slow today. Reminds me of the dial-up days where I'd keep a book beside the computer; Click something, read a bit while waiting for the page to load.
Fruid Lurker of Threads
=o, the amount of internet related annoyances. 1st world problems.
My oldest brother is drunk off of his ass, and he keeps coming into my room.
I'm about to shove him into his room and lock the door from the outside.
While I was bowling today, some idiot threw his ball into my lane right into the gutter as I was going. So it immediately count as a gutter ball and the thing deflected my ball which probably would have been a strike.
[size=10]I'm unusually tired today.[/h]
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I got sunburnt

Also, I found out my laptop's sound goes full retard recognises my headphones as the default device when my headphones are plugged in when I boot it up, so I get no sound from the speakers, but do from the headphones. I'm going to have to make sure they're unplugged before booting it up.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
I may have had the new wolverine movie spoiled for me by a friend.
Loner the People's Senpai
When you've got problems and you don't tell anyone, are you strong because you refuse to complain and put your problems on others or weak because you refuse to open up to anyone?

Anyways, my dog died.