One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Thunderstorms > power outage > dent in car from branch (due to shitty weather this morning) > flash flood warning > had to go to clinical because my professor wasn't responding to me in time.... Just one of those days sadly.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Power outage for 4 hours and when it came back on, I had to babysit my niece and nephew (Who are loud as Hell by the way) and stopped me from reading any manga because of how much they wanted to play...
Exam in ~6 hours, not much fun.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I have a job interview today. Why is that bad?

Nervous as fuck.
Winter-like temperature in the middle of spring.
Having a nightmare that reminded me that I need eye surgery because I'm slowly going blind in my left eye.
a stupid motherfucker refuses to hang out with me

Breaks my heart
It's not sunny!
i just found a leaf stuck to my ass and i have no idea where it came from or how long it was there for.
Stepped in fresh concrete. I then had to fix said fresh concrete.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Before I explain what's happened, let me explain who is involved.

Friend A
Friend B
Bitch C
Ex D

Friend A is back with his missus Bitch C for the fourth fucking time. This is the same girl who repeatedly cheated on him with her ex, Ex D which caused them to break up the first two times, then on the third time they kept arguing mostly because he was being a grumpy cunt, and eventually they broke up. They were supposedly never getting back together because they were never going to work. Bitch C cut off contact with myself and Friend B because us being friends would be "too painful". She got with someone else pretty quickly afterwards, but kept in contact with Friend A. She broke up with her bloke and wormed her way back into Friend A's life.

Had an inkling she was back on the scene even though he'd not told us, because he'd been such a grumpy cunt up until 2 weeks ago, when he stopped coming to the Cinema and stopped turning up to the Pub Quiz.
Having to re-string some customers piece of shit classical guitar. The tuning machines were so old and rusted I had to use pliers to turn them. He sat there the entire time trying to tell me how to restring it and trying to make conversation.

-____- no! Just... no no no.
Can't get what I really need right now; its really pissing me off!
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I had four different nightmares in the space of 2 hours before I woke up, today doesn't bode well...
Sour belches. They taste, feel and smell terrible. Curse you, Panda Express!

[size=1]not really[/h]
Fucking nothing to eat in the house.
SO MUCH noise in the apartment
I think my laptop disconnected me from my online game for about 20 times now.
My class project is preventing me from doing fun stuff!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Tired but can't fall asleep.
Monster Girl
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