One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Aside from having a shitty internet (still), I was told earlier that I should get an anger management course or something, which made me feel bad about myself.
Been feeling bad for myself for a couple of days. Something depressing or just stress or something, I dunno.
Kouki wrote...
Gas prices here is $3.25/gallon. It's going to rise. I can feel it.

You are lucky, its around 3.50 here

OT: I have to wait to shower because my roommate takes long showers.
Sneakyone wrote...
Kouki wrote...
Gas prices here is $3.25/gallon. It's going to rise. I can feel it.

You are lucky, its around 3.50 here

OT: I have to wait to shower because my roommate takes long showers.

You are lucky, they've been fixing my shower for two weeks.

OT: They still haven't fixed my shower yet. I'm tired of using showers that aren't mine and don't have water pressure.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I can't stop farting. I thought taking a dump would stop it, but it just stopped making them smelly.
Konachan disappointed me.
Still the same problem. Even though my mom is at work for most of the day, my dad won't leave so I can't get alone time to read, work out, use my PS3 and, well, fap. Worst thing, I won't get a relaxed day tomorrow as well since it's my mom's day off. Hopefully, I'll finally be able to get things done and relax next thrusday.
My neighbors left their laundry in the apartment dryer, and so I put it on the dryer so that I could do laundry, and their's is still there, after 5 hours... O.o
My package was delivered, but me and my roommates were asleep at the time so I got this pink slip to schedule a pick up......
But instead of looking up information I called customer support and told them to re-send the package. Hours later I recently figured out the post office is a 2 minute drive from my house...
Giving a presentation with a blocked sinus is a real pain in the lungs and throat.
I forgot that cup noodles cook in 3 minutes.
I cook mine 7 minutes, now it look like bloated pinworm
Lovely weather outside, dehydrates you per second.
Boss called me and asked me to come in to work at 6 am... i tried to go to sleep around midnight but couldn't sleep because i drank too much caffeine... ended up laying there for an hour before getting back on the computer. Now it's almost 4 am, and i feel exhausted but if i go to bed now I'll either sleep through my alarm or feel like complete shit when i wake up 90 minutes from now. Looks like I'm not sleeping till after work... this is gonna suck. :(
I work at 11am
The green tea jug that I didn't refrigerate started to ferment, I was then forced to poor it out... I wanted to see what it would taste like after it was done...
I have to wake up early tomorrow for an interview for my assignment. Too lazy...
I need to finish a lot of school assignment, deadline by 2 weeks
I'm in a lot of pain. ._.

Edit: It's an ear infection. wonderful.
Shitty internet.
And my Haribo Cruise Mix left me 7 Black candies (Licorice? I dunno what to call it, but I heard the danes like it.)
My friend spilled ketchup on my white shirt. Not okay.
I nailed both of my shins on steel stairs.
It wasn't the pain where it was instant, it was like stubbing a toe. It happens, and you just go like "It doesn't hurt- but it's GONNA HURT IN A SECOND!".