Outrage as Chinese Motorists Flatten Little Girl

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Here in my country people will react even before the truck hits the girl and if the truck do manage to hit the girl that driver will surely be in a world of pain right there and now. God I am so thankful that majority of my countrymen are naturally born good Samaritans. I have seen it so many times so I am confident.


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Wow....... why was there a toddler alone.. in the streets?
Where the fuck were her parents when this shit was happening? Matter of fact, why wasn't anyone telling the damn truck driver "Hey, stop the car! There's a toddler in the streets!" or something? What made this even worse was the part where the lady moved the girl, only to put her back where she found her about a minute later.
Tegumi "im always cute"
softbanker wrote...


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You could have, you know, edited your original post instead of fishing around for post count.
Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Where the fuck were her parents when this shit was happening? Matter of fact, why wasn't anyone telling the damn truck driver "Hey, stop the car! There's a toddler in the streets!" or something? What made this even worse was the part where the lady moved the girl, only to put her back where she found her about a minute later.

I believe that was a replay to emphasize the situation.

Though it's sad that this happened to such a small child, it does point out a fairly large flaw in society. People (or at least a good majority) aren't willingly to take a risk and help someone who has been injured. If some of you remember last year (or year before... all this seems to run together)a man in the US was hit by a car and laid there for several hours while passer-byes ignored him. Not sure if he died or not, but my point is still there. People claim that they will always do the right thing. However when they finally get the chance to do the right thing, they fail to meet even their own standards. But then again, this could just be one of my crazy ramblings...

Also, this reminds me of that "My dad is Li Gang!" story. Off topic, I know, but it came to mind.
Debating whether or not to make a joke...
The ones running over her, no idea what the fuck is up with them. But people just passing buy will generally assume someone has notified the proper authorities on the matter and decide what they're doing is more important.

At Otakon this year walking back to the hotel on Thursday I saw a big fight break out on one of the streets. I chose to walk away and do nothing. Nobody was really hurt to my knowledge, but if someone had died. It'd probably eat away at me until I died.
We come from a person who has seen people die and be killed in RL... it doesn't bother me at all that people die.. adult people.. kids and animals makes me sad.
Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Where the fuck were her parents when this shit was happening? Matter of fact, why wasn't anyone telling the damn truck driver "Hey, stop the car! There's a toddler in the streets!" or something? What made this even worse was the part where the lady moved the girl, only to put her back where she found her about a minute later.

i dunno about any of you, but i think it would be fair to also arrest those irresponsible parents. the video was unreal, how can this shit just simply happen? sure glad the drivers have been arrested. they also made a stupid poll on the internet based on how people would reacted if they witnessed such a thing. "86%" would help. i call bs >.>
What a shame. Things like these that make me lose faith in most of humanity.
Great job China... You stupid fucks...
This is classic Bystander Effect. But that shit happens here too, you know--remember the Kitty Genovese incident? The gang-rape of that one girl in Richmond California?
What the fuck. I hope this isnt hong kong, cause im going there on december. Fucking idiots
It could be understandable that the parents just lost track because even in a small area I remember losing sight of my mum and in trying to find her I just got more lost. In an area like that a leash might be a good idea.

I was surprised when the driver went over the kid with his second wheel, then the next truck that went over her, and then every body just walked on by and some even looked at the girl and did nothing. In Britain too many people help and you feel like a jack ass if you don't but there is no point trying to help if there is enough help.
I find this so fucked up because when I broke my leg people came, picked up the quadricycle (look it up) that I was
in between (luckily I wasn't pinned beneath it) and they even brought a pillow and held my leg up until the ambulance arrived which they called for me.
I guess most people in China now days are lack of sympathy for others and only care for themselves,this is a social issure because the fast growing economic made people became more materialiszed.
Thats so sick, poor child...
Loner the People's Senpai
Wow, how can people be so numb to the misery of others. Normal people would have PTSD after seeing shit like this, but these asshole just keep walking without a care in the world. Heartless Bastards
Man that was really horrible. I refuse to believe that the driver didn't see the little girl in his way. and all those people that walked/ drove past her are just as terrible.
ON a side note, that poll is just a sad and pathetic attempt to save face. fuckers.
Here is something to fuck up your day. Updates about the girl.

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