Rate the Last Movie You Saw

artcellrox wrote...
How To Train Your Dragon - 9/10

Absolutely amazing film.

i went to see this because i was bored and it turned out into one hella movie. looks killer in blu-ray...
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Toy Story 3 - 10/10

Flawless. That is all.
The Lincoln Lawyer - 9.5/10

Fucking epic movie...
Battle: Los Angeles 7/10

It was alot better than everything i had heard about it.
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
Rubber [8/10]

Very bizarre movie about a tire blowing up peoples heads.
Sadly, due to what this movie is about, it is purely a like or hate movie.
There's much more to this movie than 'tire goes around killing things with its mind'. [It is a sort of satire on how hollywood suckers in the audience]
'My face When' should've been the title
Tanasinn wrote...
Rubber [8/10]

Very bizarre movie about a tire blowing up peoples heads.
Sadly, due to what this movie is about, it is purely a like or hate movie.
There's much more to this movie than 'tire goes around killing things with its mind'. [It is a sort of satire on how hollywood suckers in the audience]
'My face When' should've been the title

me and pervy fatman saw a trailer for this on the 13 assassins movie, it seemed interesting...
I saw the devil
Quite a satisfying revenge story, with one of the most intense climax's i've seen in a while.
Blade 2 9/10
this is how you make a vampire movie

Forum Image: http://www.zone-sf.com/images/blade2.jpg

i watched this to clean my head from the Twilight SHIT
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
HungLikeAZombie wrote...
Tanasinn wrote...
Rubber [8/10]

Very bizarre movie about a tire blowing up peoples heads.
Sadly, due to what this movie is about, it is purely a like or hate movie.
There's much more to this movie than 'tire goes around killing things with its mind'. [It is a sort of satire on how hollywood suckers in the audience]
'My face When' should've been the title

me and pervy fatman saw a trailer for this on the 13 assassins movie, it seemed interesting...

If you enjoy weird movies, I'd recommend a look to this one.
Other people will most likely be turned off to the main concept [and completely oblivious to the underlining concept]
Harry Potter 7.2 - 10/10

Nice end of the Harry Potter series ^_^
Harry Potter part 2

For those who read the book this will give you the ultimate let down. It cuts a lot of important parts from the book and this is just mortifying for people who actually read the final release.

For those who haven't read the book, it's an average experience and lacks the quality of the earlier movies. You would think that the graphics wouldve improved since The Order of the Phoenix but sadly, it hasn't in fact I would go as far to say that it degraded. Dumbledore vs Voldemort looked awesome, Harry vs Voldemort looked like some exconvict pedophile hungrily chasing after his prey while constantly tripping on his shoelaces.

My overall rating would be 6/10. For me it failed to give the respect the book deserved but it's still an experience after all.
District 9 - 10/10

fucking epic...
Captain America
I didn't have high hopes going into this one, but it was overall a feel-good action movie. I do feel like it was a bit short on the actual plot though. They spent time on things I wish I could of fast-forward on. Other than that though, it was a really good movie. Worth seeing.
Captain America, and I'd give it a 3.7 out of 5.

The action was amazing, and it segways really nicely towards the Avengers (May 2012 I believe), but the story seemed a bit bland, like it was just happening after he got the super-soldier serum. It was a good watch, though. Maybe it's because I had high hopes, or felt a little more could've been added, but that's just me.

Summer Wars - 10/10 = the greatest anime movie of all time.

Ip Man 2 - 10/10
HP DH v2 - 10/10 better than the last movie.
Green Lantern - 10/10 i never thought that GL power is so kewl~
Transformer - 8/10 not that good but i like the story
Lol it was SAW 2 on my TV. I give it a 10/10~ Trippy
Summer Wars 8/10 not as good as i thought it would be but overall a good movie

Captain America 10/10 cant wait to see The Avengers
re-watched: Fist of Legend - 9/10
Hobo With A Shotgun: 6.5/10...just a very weird all around movie, not so much the gore but the random ass story it had.