Reasons as to why should people visit your country

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not any good one that I can remember
Come to finland, if you want to get your anus lacerated.
I guess some might find the stuff here, in America, to be of some interest, but honestly, I don't think it's all that's it's cracked up to be. I mean, yes there are things one might want to see, like Mount Rushmore, the White House, Grand Canyon, and some others; however, I guess I just don't find all of the stuff to be too great, when compared other countries' monuments, and natural sights/wonders. Maybe because I like other countries' culture a lot more than America's.
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
why you ask ?...


doesn't she look happy? well every day is like that in america...always
mnx wrote...

1.Bali.that place alone is enough reason to visit Indonesia.

2.Dirt cheap long as you know the place to shop around,Indonesia could be very very cheap.bring along 100$ with you and you'll come back bringing a huge suitcase full of new clothes.that,topped by the cheap food,transport and accommodation costs,it won't break your bank to visit Indonesia.

3.Natural beauty like no other.if you're willing to go to places smack dab in the middle of nowhere,heaven on earth is waiting for might haven't heard about places like Tanjung Lesung,Mataram,Toraja,Bunaken,and many other places,but trust me,it's worth the effort to get to those places.and don't forget that Indonesia is the habitat of some of the most exotic flora and fauna in the world,like komodo dragon, orangutan and rafflesia.

4.Great foods

5.Variation of cultures that is interesting to some people

Quoting this because state all what i want to said.
Actually, Bali is enough reason for tourists to visit and stay.
In the United States, there is a place the Golden State.

"Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication

It?s the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the east
At least it settles in a final location
It?s understood that Hollywood
Sells Californication

Space may be the final frontier
But it?s made in a Hollywood basement
And Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderon?s not far away
It?s Californication

Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl?s guitar
They are just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn?t save the world
From Californication" Anthony Kiedis
Come to California. The land of the free and home of the gays.
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Come to California. The land of the free and home of the gays.

And the homeless, don't forget the homeless
shinji_ikari wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Come to California. The land of the free and home of the gays.

And the homeless, don't forget the homeless

We have no homeless. Solyent green factory.
Just google Philippines and check it all out.

Come to Chile.
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
If you like Starbucks and McDonalds come check Washington out!!
Aai wrote...
If you like Starbucks and McDonalds come check Washington out!!

they got Strippers at 9 o' clock?... if don't GTFO

Fuck Starbucks, Coffee with legs are way better.

Coffee with legs, the food and some cities are the only good thing about this shitty country.
Come in Greece!! why?? dunno.... i need to leave quick!! o_O
Rin_Penelope wrote...
namaccu wrote...
mnx wrote...

1.Bali.that place alone is enough reason to visit Indonesia.

2.Dirt cheap long as you know the place to shop around,Indonesia could be very very cheap.bring along 100$ with you and you'll come back bringing a huge suitcase full of new clothes.that,topped by the cheap food,transport and accommodation costs,it won't break your bank to visit Indonesia.

3.Natural beauty like no other.if you're willing to go to places smack dab in the middle of nowhere,heaven on earth is waiting for might haven't heard about places like Tanjung Lesung,Mataram,Toraja,Bunaken,and many other places,but trust me,it's worth the effort to get to those places.and don't forget that Indonesia is the habitat of some of the most exotic flora and fauna in the world,like komodo dragon, orangutan and rafflesia.

4.We are good,warm people.most of us Indonesian might not possess the best English skills,but hey,we are willing to communicate with all we've got and help with all our might.

5.Great've eaten Nasi Goreng and Chicken Satay?that's only 0,00001% of our food.Indonesia have a wide array of cuisines,with a wide spectrum of taste.hell,if Anthony Bourdain is addicted to Indonesian food,i think most of you will,too.

6.Great culture.Indonesia is a country of ethnic diversities.about 300(yes,count that,300) ethnic groups live here in Indonesia.and they all have their own respective culture.mix all that into a melting pot that is Indonesia,and BAM!GREAT,GREAT CULTURE.

7. you can always satisfy your lust with extremely cheap but beautiful whore, for real

It wouldn't be that cheap if you count the whole expenses needed to go to Indonesia, hotel, accomodation, etc, people can always find local whore in their place for more affordable price.

Besides you're not supposed to phrase that aloud, because that's one of surprise factor, It would be much better for the tourist to discover it themselves; It'll feel like get a surprise candy, but now you ruined it lol :lol:

I'm gonna add some plus point:
8. We had many choice of handicraft here, silver, statue, dagadu, and our famous batik.

9. For smokers, we have top-quality kretek cigarette here (clove cigarette) fresh-quality and available in affordable price.

10. Candi Borrobudur one of world's miracles in Jogja and other candi there, also there's Malioboro in Jogja where you can buy souvenir.

So, need more reason?
Forum Image:

quoting this cause i have to agree

11. Many foreigners i know who've been here will definitely come back to visit
Come to USA... we have a giant space needle! ouo PIERCE THE EVIL SPACE
I wouldn't advise you to come to my country..Too many gypsies...the only thing unique in my country is a bacteria that is used to make what the rest of the world calls yogurt..but we call it sour milk
Because it's America...FUCK YEAH.
GameON wrote...
You should visit New Zealand because...

This is your backyard:

Come visit Australia we've got hot chicks and we have this going on in our backyard.

Neoro~n 友人A
Visit Thailand, we have perfect traps! Nah, I kid', kinda, food is great^^
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