Rejection sucks

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Gravity cat the adequately amused
Peltor wrote...
Try to get over it, learn the lessons, or it will affect your daily life.

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Gravity cat the adequately amused
Antibug post.
Rejection sucks for everyone! Mainly because we have expectations that are false or assumed. To put it simply, you aren't going to be everyone's cup of tea (no judgement for what reasons they have, all their reasons are legit). So the best thing to do is accept that. Say to yourself, "hey, I am my own person, and not everyone is going to like me for who I am. I know that, but there will be someone who I like, and they might like me back too in the same way!"
And alongside of the 'never give up' encouragements, remind yourself that if someone regects you, then that means you're one step closer to finding the right person for you.
Rejection sucks but that's just how it goes. It sucks because we leave ourselves emotionally vulnerable. We reveal our weaknesses more so than our strengths when we get closer to another person. Being a victim of a one sided love isn't very fun but the way I see it, getting to the point of rejection is better than not even stepping up to the starting line. Having the courage to confess to someone isn't a trivial thing (if it is, you're doing it wrong). Rejection is a stepping stone, albeit a painful one, to finding the Mister or Miss Right.

So I say cheers to rejection! Because without it, we wouldn't grow in strength and resilience. Once we find our special someones, all the rejection we had to deal with in the past makes it all the more sweeter.
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