Samsungs newest ad called sexist, this time by men.

Here's a link. Watch the video first.

I decided to put this in random instead of SD cause this really isn't something that I feel warrants SD rules.

My opinion? It's really interesting that men are trying to cry foul after the infamous Dr.Pepper 10 commercial. Now guys wanna complain about how commercials are misrepresenting them when the majority of the time, most guys will watch a victorias secret commercial and think that applies to all women.

(DR.Pepper 10 Commercial) (skip to 0:28)
This thread is posted twice.
Must have been a glitch when I was trying to post.
I think you can still delete the other one if no one else has posted in it.
Thanks for that tidbit of information
Pretty stupid critique.

It's just a commercial. No need to get your panties in a bunch.
let me guess

its white conservative males complaining, right?

dese guys. theres been far worse commercials.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
On the contrary, I found it an amusing watch. It's like a parody of action films mixed with an advert for Dr Pepper.
People are so stupid lately. I agree with Gravity on the commercial being a parody of action films. That's how men are represented in almost every action film from James Bond to Expendables. If you want gender stereotyping in the media here's an example and comparison I found interesting

It was a little amusing to watch, but nothing to get worked up over.

People are just getting too butt hurt over shit that doesn't matter. Myself being guilty of it everynow and them; But I'm trying to stop caring with those certain things.
I think it's funny, maybe a little crude but funny, and nothing to get pissy over. Ads have been sexist towards women for years, a little ad like this means nothing.
This isn't sexist, this had me laughing my ass off my chair!
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It's ,not sexism, its a satyre of man as a social individual, and its funny.
gregroure wrote...

One day someone is going to stop you, you motherfucker.
Commercials today is like the crappy music we have today.
That commercial was better than most and it didn't upset me in the slightest. People just have sticks up their asses.
Same shit, different day.
hehehehe im just here to giggle XD
Monster Girl
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