Scary/Creepy Music

Since Halloween is coming up in my music theory class we are talking about what makes music scary. So to you what makes a scary song scary, post some examples since I'm having a hard time finding songs that are actually creepy and/or scary.
Nice avatar, goes with it.
It brings a creepy essence you could say.
I think it depends on the mood of the atmosphere. I was trying to listen to music and there was no "scary" part in the music at all. But I'm sure it has something to do with our visual, tone, and mood.
Incredibly creepy.

wouldn't consider this scary but it definitely has a creepy tone to it especially when Marilyn Manson is singing it.

Well, I know a few creepy songs, but they're not at all creepy, they only have some parts like that:
Infected Nation and Man Against Machine by Evile - The acoustic intros are kinda ominous.
A Nightmare To Remember by Dream Theater (the 16 minute full version, not the cut off one that only has around 14:30) - The uncut intro is really scary, sounds like it was from a horror movie, and as the song progresses, there are a few more scary parts (The song is about a car accident that one of the members of the band lived through after all)
Zombie by Versailles - The ominous sounds after the guitar solo are kinda scary.
That's all I can remember now hehe
Just search for "Nox Arcana" in youtube and sing the Aria that will lull you to disembody. Especially their "Nox Arcana- Living Dolls"

Funeral - Fallen One
kgods wrote...

Funeral - Fallen One

I liked that one it was rather peaceful even though the lyrics are
evil as fuck if you listen to them closely.
Soundtrack of your nightmares [b]
"The Audial Essence of Pure Black Evil"
Tool - Faaip De Oiad

Monster Girl
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