So wha to do?

Hi guys, i just need some kind of mental peace after what happen last see just a few days ago mi girlfriend told me one of her cousins die and that she was really sad about it, so i took care of many things she could do anyway (sad or not) and then in the day all of her family and some not relatives (like me) where honor the deceased my mother in law seat next to me and start crying...all i could do was hold her hand...thats OK?
Well, it's someone who lost another that's important and you provided her with a little mental support. Is your girlfriend gonna pounce on you for that?

... That is of course if you're guilty of being intersting in her. *bricked*
Gravity cat the adequately amused
You're overthinking things, a little emotional support is all your Motherinlaw needs. She's not going to moan at you for not being more understanding.
Dealing with death is almost always hard, I'd say to just try your best to comfort those around you. If it was all you could do to just hold her hand then so be it.
Hard not to say whats already been said just provide some emotional support, be their for them its the best thing to do at the moment.
What everyone else said. :D
I believe she truly appreciates that act of kindness.
Just relax and support them.
Monster Girl
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