The girl you like reads fakku. Your reaction?:

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The girl you like reads fakku. Your reaction?:

Total Votes : 255
So you found out that the girl you like in class who's normally timid, shy and smart reads fakku through her history browser. Your reaction?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
First off, I'd be wondering what in the hell would possess me to go through someone else's browser history.

However, if I did somehow find out, I don't think I'd freak out or react that much to it really. If she tells me or someone tells me in front of her, I'll probably say something like "eh, whatever" (since really, it is their business, if they don't want people asking too much about it, I won't prod).
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Well my initial reaction would be: "I am looking into a mirror?" cause I'm a really timid and shy girl.

If this was another girl however, I wouldn't really care all that much. Probably wouldn't change my opinion of them either way. I'm more attracted to people who are more assertive and confident since if I went out with someone who was shy like me we would probably end up sitting awkwardly for hours on end.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Bit dumb to have the "Disgusting!" option since we're all on Fakku to begin with. Saying that would be a bit hypocritical.

I'd probably use it as a conversation starter, though not in public. It'd give us both some common ground.
Hot digidy damn, that would be a sereal turn on (if the other aspects of a beautiful girl were also fitting into the description of that certain individual)
[color=#993300]Met my girlfriend on Fakku, enough said
pretty cool , we'd have more stuff to talk about . I never heard any girl come out clean about their porn habits
I mean, it would be odd for me to act any other way then normal with another girl on liking fakku/hentai. Most of my close friends, family (mostly my mom; my dad can stay clueless) and my boyfriend know I like hentai or post on here (most of my closer friends are from here). I don't really care who knows either since it's just porn, though I don't openly divulge the information. When I meet other's who like hentai, it's just a fun subject that we can joke about and relate to.

From your signature and this post, sounds like you're still new in terms to the whole "women liking hentai and people finding out" thing. You'll find a lot of women do read hentai or just general porn (I mean, 50 Shades of Grey lol?) so it becomes less of a big deal over time.
I would be pretty damn happy, I must say. Gives me something to common ground over, and possibly get closer over
'Gimme your number, your Fakku ID and your home address. '
I personally think my reaction wouldn't be much different from a girl finding out that a boy that she likes watches porn.
I think if you could just look at everyone's history you would see that almost everyone is looking at something similar.
My woman plays with herself to loli/shotacon. My reaction is smile and hope for playtime later.
"Phew, one less thing to explain."*

*Actually happened. It was sweet.
I would talk to her since now we have something in common
be clumsy and hit on her. freak her out, have the cops called on me. jailtime, become a bitch.
I would become a live-action hentai protagonist.
If that happened to me, I would go straight to asking if she has an account and asking what's her favorites, what tags she mostly read and etc.

that's all I got for that...
well, considering the girl im thinking about asking our at the moment is someone who i get rides with to sac anime, and someone who has spent more money than i have on anime and hentai, well ya. would not be shocked.
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