The new Fakku/Ishikei project

Am I stupid...
I am not able to find the big announcement of the new project...
According to info page it would've been announced last saturday evening at anime expo...
Does anyone know what it is?

Wait... dont tell me its an uncensored version of the artbook...
Because i just bought the Japanese one....
Aoyatan wrote...
Wait... dont tell me its an uncensored version of the artbook...
Because i just bought the Japanese one....

If FAKKU is putting this out, it's almost a given that it's uncensored.

For the game, we really didn't get many details. I believe it's going to use the same e-mote platform as Nekopara. And it looks like it's probably a pretty vanilla/harem game. The Japanese release should be this year, not really sure about the English version. I think he did say this year but we'll see.

Here's the original Japanese trailer:
Monster Girl
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