The topic of religion

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You belive in god?

Total Votes : 165
My grandad is a vicar
My uncle is a vicar

I don't think this generation has any religious juice in them (not where i live anyway).
I was walking with 2 friends discussing how stupid religion is. We found so many ways proving how the bible is a bunch of rubbish.
Although the creation of everything is a mystery (before the 'big bang theory').
I choose to believe in nothing. The fact of the matter is, I'm here. I don't care how or why, but I'll continue to live until my life expires or until other forces deem otherwise.

Some people reach the brink of insanity trying to figure out time, space, life, or God. Others see it best to just accept whats in front of them.
Although I'm not sure if I'm repeating anyone else post but i do not see the benefit of having a religion. At the moment it does nothing but plague the minds of the weak and feeds them nonsense. Surprisingly i like that the majority of believers have ever read the bible. Not saying i have either but its on my agenda and i also am trying to join a bible study group to understand the way college level students "Study" the bible.

As someone one said "Religion is the opium of the people". Sorry if i didn't quote correctly.
I stopped believing because of all of the hypocrisy. I grew up Roman Catholic and my family preached on about the bible and said love is important and so is family....even during the time when they ostracized my mother and all of her children just because we had different opinions. Now I'm pissed from remembering. Not OP's fault it's mine.
I am a Atheist :)
Because I think that religion is only a way to get a lot of money from ignorant people, that would do anything get a new life in heaven.
(I am sorry if this offends some religious people, but either just not read this, or read it, and yell at me later)
But anyway, I think that religion is just a kind of subsitute of a parent. And then I mean it like this:
You are a child, remember it, when you were young, ignorant and wanted your parents to see you.
I think this is it, the thing about that the childs want somebody to know that they are there, and see them, and talk to them etc. And I think that this "gene" dosn't leave even when one is grown up, because you want somebody to know that you are there, that you are you. And here is where "God" and religion in itself comes in, because you are afraid of being alone, and you want somebody to think about you, just like when you were a kid, and you start to pray because you want "God" to know that you are there. Also you want somebody to miss you when we are done killing eachother and F****** up this planet.
I believe in God. God has answered my prayer's when i was in tough spots in the past. I Pray to my lord and savior Jesus Christ every night before i go to sleep, thanking them for letting me live another day.
[Ironically, those believing in God are on a HENTAI forum...]

I am a Satanist. I believe in what is making me good, which is almost everything that religionists have deemed "bad" mostly on the account that if it feels good, it's evil. Satan, for me, encompasses all the "bad" good-feeling things. I am worthless worm food now and when I die I am still worthless worm food.
At this point I no longer find it feasible to believe in a god. And considering what it's said that "God" has done-in the bible, mind you-why the hell would you worship someone or something that's petty, jealous, vengeful, without pitty and is just a complete and total douche bag.

Maybe our entire existance is born of some random event, but to be honest, such a thing may not be so bad after all. I mean, the real miracles at the ones we make ourselves, right?
Considering the fact that monotheism first appeared about 4000 years ago with the Zoroastrianism and Judaism, why did it suddenly appear 4000 years go? Originally most human worship was polytheistic. They worshiped various gods of Nature. There is also no proof that god(s) Exist in this world. Holy Books were written by men, not gods. 'Prophets' were leaders who wielded charisma in ways that influenced many. Christianity didn't even kick off until 300 C.E. (AD) until some roman emperor adopted it as the official religion of the empire.
Atheist here. I find that religion is a necessary evil for the time being.
"It is when Men are at their most religious, that they show the least common sense and show the most cruelty" - Female figure ( Unknown name , if you know then write )

Fakku-ers I have a question for you all, what religion/belief are you?

I am a Muslim and I have seen countless of my fellow Muslims act high and mighty in the name of God, and then step on the ones that doesn't deserve to be stepped on. They show pride and explain the most unusual things and present themselves to be better than anyone else, even though our religion forbids such cruelty. And that is why I came to the conclusion, That many men show their most idiotic side when it comes down to talking about God and their religion and often inflict psychological damage.

Are people so blind to see the truth?

Don't they know that what they are already doing is not helping Mankind, but actually degrading it in a sense that is horrific?

Have you guys ever experienced those times, where people act all high and mighty, which is a complete opposite of acting wise and humble?

There goes a saying in Islam:
" Yes, to obtain knowledge is good, but do not be filled with arrogance and pride, but be wise and gentle since it teaches you about love and care."

Ever had that idiotic experience with someone?

My neighbor is one, and he acts more high and mighty than actually wise and humble, and his common sense is kinda out of proportion.

So tell me about your experiences with your fellow religious peers.

Atheists can also answer this question about their own peers who doesn't act according to the rules of atheism.
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
"It is when Men are at their most religious, that they show the least common sense and show the most cruelty" - Female figure ( Unknown name , if you know then write )

Ilka Chase

Google's not that difficult to use.
I'm not religious. I'm glad I'm not.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Well, I thought to be a good muslim is to be wise and humble. Didn't prophet Mohammed said that?
I kinda hate people who is arrogant and who act all high and mighty anyway to begin with.

Anyway, I dont really have such experience, but I do have times where I have to deal with extremists who did not let me wear my soccer jersey because there was a picture of a devil inside its logo (Manchester United).

It was actually one of the longest debate we had, and the guy was acting like it was all my fault, and start spouting all this nonsenses.
It's the worst when a person like that finds out you're an atheist and the gets on their oh-too-high horse. Usually it's the snobby Christian types that do that to me, so I take it upon myself to pick apart their weak-ass arguments and show them up by knowing the Bible better than them.

Not to say that all Christians are snobs, but that only some are.
Monotheistic Neo-Pagan. My beliefs borrow from a lot of different religions/spiritualities. And some of my beliefs are just ones that I've come to based on conclusions I've drawn from intellectual pursuits.

I don't agree with the concept of organized religion, it lessens the importance of the individual and their own relationship with their universe/God.

But I believe faith is important to have. Not religion, but faith. To have faith in SOMETHING.

Parts of my family are pretty holier-than-thou. Namely my Grandmother and Aunt. I love them dearly and while I've since 'returned to the fold' of what could be considered something akin to Christianity, I fundamentally disagree with any one person or belief being superior than any other. Ultimately, I believe. But that doesn't mean I know. I could die and find it all untrue, but that wouldn't have made my life of faith any less important or meaningful.

Ultimately, we're all just dirt monkeys. Equally meaningful and meaningless in the grand design.
If people can just get past all that Religious/Racial/or whatever crap they think of that puts them in a group they think is better than other people's, the world would be better, but not , look at christianity , how many catholic groups are there that thinks that their faith is truest but in fact those groups just either worship god or son of god(jesus) so basically they're just the same.
What really sucks is the number of communities with heavy religious groups (heavy as in grossly overpopulated in comparison to the overall population). It's worst in small communities where the Sunday gathering is what everyone has in common and whomever preaches or holds the title "Father" is given a higher respect then all others. Then anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs tends to be shunned and/or abused. I grew up in Oklahoma and no matter where I went the Christian faith was in the majority. Thankfully, I only knew a few religious nuts, and had enough agnostic/atheist friends to convince them that we didn't need "saving".
Sadly, as a fellow muslim, lots of our brothers lack understanding of what our religion is. They are blinded by the their leader's propaganda without even checking whether what he said is true or not.
Religion gives hope for free/fee.
Why do you think we worship hoildays like easter or christmas for.
I do understand some people will always be left out and thats cool , unless you want a church on every street corner.

Religion doesnt last forever. Hope does.
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