Things you hate at 2am in the morning?

2AM in California means everyone else is going to sleep.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Also being molested because the whore next to me is horny... i need sleep more then sex.

I'd be willing to give up sleep for sex >.>
Then again, I have fucked my sleeping pattern, so I seem to not sleep for 24 hours, then sleep for about 6 then be awake for 6, and then sleep for 13, then be awake for another 20~ hours... >.>

This 2am morn': Getting thirsty, and there being nothing decent to drink. Fuck drinking light milk or pepsi... I want cordial, but there isn't any... I mean, there is... but it's crappy stuff. Still, better than nothing.
Cant sleep because of fucking internet -.-
It always seduce me! XD
( you know what i mean? :) )
Going to the bathroom to pee.
There's few things I dislike at 2AM (its now 2:26AM btw), but not long ago my dog had an upset stomach and all he did was puke and poop everywhere. He even puked the water he drank. I hated that during the day, but at 2AM it felt like hell.
getting out of bed and hearing random ass women having orgasms while i step on the only fucking lego in the godamn house and almost pissing myself from the pain.....yeah that stuff
Greatmain00 wrote...
getting out of bed and hearing random ass women having orgasms while i step on the only fucking lego in the godamn house and almost pissing myself from the pain.....yeah that stuff

Wow,just wow. To be sincere am speechless, I need to move to yr neighborhood
Waking up for reasons varying from being hungry, the need to go jogging or the need to fap..
realizing you have a project due in the morning that you haven't started -_-
I'm lying in the dark trying to fall asleep and my sister walks by my room to get a midnight snack and it freaks me out cause in the dark it looks like a ghost or something is walking through the hall.
Serenades when too near because of the sudden loudness (at 2 am around here everything is so quiet that even a soft guitar song suddenly starting could sound as loud as a freaking metal concert) and keeps anyone in my house from sleeping.
Well... I really hate you around 2am. Just kidding :) but not really.
Loner the People's Senpai
If I have to be somewhere in the morning, I hate that I'm still awake that late.
If I can stay up, I hate trying to make food quietly when I get the late night munchies.
Now that I work I don't stay up till 2am anymore :( before i used to stay up all night and sleep from 6-12am but now i have to sleep around 12.
When I used to stay till 2am(or more) I hated the fact that I couldn't turn a light on and had to read manga/play games/browse the web(fakku) in the dark because my brother slept in the same room as me so he would wake up because of a fucking weak light...
Now that I'm alone I can't stay that late because I have to wake up at 7am :(
Friend fucking complaining to me about there girlfriends,calling me at 2am is a crime alone bitching about yr gf,is a sin and you must be punish
Dog barking his head off.
Something my slow brain just realized is that 2AM is essentially morning, making the title redundant.
Any disturbance or bother at that hour. If I'm at home at 2 AM, I am almost certainly either sleeping or doing something familiar to everyone on Fakku. If the sky isn't on fire and falling, anything and everything can wait until morning.

Almost everyone I've lived with or been around can take the hint but some people are just beyond reasonable.
Kenjiz The Dirty Wolf
Odamust wrote...
The fact that I'm still sleeping while all the cool things are happening around the world.

I know that feeling D:
The fact that I stay up to read topics, including this while I have to get to school at 8...