To lie or to not lie about not having had a girlfriend

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ie, tell it to friends. I think I should lie about it and make up a story up.
Don't lie, there's nothing bad about never having a girlfriend before and you will find one when you meet someone you like.
A lie would make things very complicated, especially so if they find out also who knows they may know people they could introduce you too? or even just generally help you find someone when your ready.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Don't be a weirdo.
Tsujoi wrote...
Don't be a weirdo.

I'm not, I just think I should say I had one because the other guys I hang out with do.

When they asked me "Do you have a girlfriend" I said no.

At another time they said "You find a girl nearly everywhere you go, you ask 'em out then"

and I asked "Really?", so they oughta know by know that.

So the shit's on making up a bad lie to cover it up or really SEEM wierd.
I'd just be honest and tell people that it's none of their business. Some people/groups like to go in-depth about things or put in their two-cents. The times people would try to give me "friendly advice" or tried to push dating on me when I was single, I would first kindly let them know that I'm happy doing my own thing. If they didn't get the message after the first or second time, then I would just tell them to drop it because it's insensitive of a person to push something on you when you've tried to decline nicely. If they get upset over it, then they don't respect you enough to let you be.

You can lie if you want to, but in the long run it doesn't help you much. Usually you can tell when a person is lying about a relationship and if you feel like you have to lie about that to someone, probably not the greatest friend to begin with. If you don't talk to this person much, you can do what you wish though. I'd sooner lie about being happily single then dating, because you aren't telling a complete lie when you say you are happy when single (sucks every once and a while, but not the end of the world).
Lying about having a girlfriend is what 12 year olds do. There's no reason to do it, how are gonna cover up the lie later? Will you forge pictures and texts if people start bothering you about it?
It's nobody's business if you're single or not and if they make fun or criticize you for it, then i advise you distance yourself from such people.
Lying about having a girlfriend makes you a faggot.
Of which you are a faggot anyway, so it's right up your alley. Go for it.
Lying isn't all bad just don't try to make it overcomplicated. If you get caught in the lie then people won't trust you and more likely to make jokes on you about it.
Tell them the truth. Whatever you do, just make sure it's honest. Nobody likes to be lied to. If they laugh at you, find a way to laugh with them. I mean, you're friends right? I'm sure any teasing and stuff that happens is supposed to be in good fun or something.

Who knows, they might even help you out by introducing you to some potential love intrests and help you make friends and stuff.
Never, ever lie about that. You'll be trapped in your own web of lies. Just don't elaborate. Smile whenever someone asks you about it.

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Uh uh uh.. careful there
So, you want to be a Mantei Te'O and lie about your girlfriend. Who cares what people think.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Sorry, are you in primary school? A web of lies like that can unravel easily and it makes you look like an idiot when you get found out.

Just tell them the truth, it's so much easier.
If you're gonna lie about having a girlfriend do it for the lulz. See how much bullshit you can feed your friends before they call you out on it and when they do you can tell them that you decided to mess with them because they were getting on your nerves about the whole girlfriend thing.

Bonus points if you can get your friends to try things with their girlfriends that are uncomfortable. e.g.
"My GF likes to shove her fist up my ass. It sounds messed up but I swear it'll make you cum SO hard. You gotta try it at least once."

It's a win-win situation for you. If your friends try it and end up liking it well... good for them. If they don't like it then you will have successfully punked them. If they get their rectums torn...okay maybe fisting wasn't the best example but you get what I mean.
Power-Senpai This is very custom.
Lying about that only makes you more of a beta than you need to be. Also you are your own person, what happens is your business so for anyone to say it is weird to not have a girlfriend would be wrong.
I'd say tell em the truth. That way you won't look like an ass if the truth is uncovered somehow.
uhm. Why?

Whats the point obout lying about a relationship? You don't gain or lose anything either way. Having a partner isn't something you do for "cool" points; if it is, I suggest revising your values or your friends.

People don't find people they love at the same rate, lasting relationships may take anywhere between a ten minute walk to years of looking. These things are best not rushed, and the less you look for someone that makes you happy and find them, the more you know they're what you're looking for in the end.
Pretty much the same thing that has already been said, what is the point here? If you think they are your friends why would you have to lie to them about having a girlfriend or a boyfriend?

I guess in some circles it is embarrassing not to have a girlfriend / boyfriend, and you are trying to avoid that embarrassment, even though i think you realize it yourself already that the most embarrassing thing is to lie about having a gf/bf and then get caught about lying.

If you don't want to be teased or bullied about this, then i suggest you don't hang around with people who do tease and bully. Yes, friends sometimes (or all the time) fool around and tease each other, but i doubt that is mean spirited or hurtful, they are just fooling around, having fun, and sometimes it happens to be on your expense.
I lied about having a girlfriend when I was in my early teens. It was not worth it at all and eventually I found myself hating that lie because the more I talked about this girlfriend, the more unreal she was and easier to tell that is was just a bluff. Some will even laugh at your back because you think you fooled them but they know better.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about not having a girlfriend. And if you do have one, she is not a trophy to show off to others and boost yourself.
Not cool to lie, besides eventually you're gonna get cought, then what? Be honest, its the best way to go.
i lied to my parents in highschool about having sex, but not really to my friends.
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