Using mass-murder to cover up your tracks.

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It seems that the media and congress pulled a fast one on us. While many were left mourning their dead or just showing complete empathy for the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombings or the Texas Plant explosion, CISPA has been passed, and not a single media or news story was issued on this, at least on mainstream T.V.

Scumbaggy as it is, they picked a perfect time to do this. With the nations eyes focused on the criminals, they used that time to pass a bill that most, if not all, of the U.S. didn't want passed.
[color=#2e1a6b]Nothing would have changed even if we were paying attention to it.

It's not as bad as situations where congress doesn't even get to read it
This is how it always is.
Well, if anything, it was effective. Now tell me, are you one of the folks that believes they deliberately set this mass murder up themselves?
Fruid Lurker of Threads
monpekokero wrote...
Well, if anything, it was effective. Now tell me, are you one of the folks that believes they deliberately set this mass murder up themselves?

Precisely. These mass murders are a ploy by the liberal left-wing. Just like Obama's forged birth certificates. /sarcasm
It still hasn't become a law. The bill still has to go through the Senate.
monpekokero wrote...
Well, if anything, it was effective. Now tell me, are you one of the folks that believes they deliberately set this mass murder up themselves?

Quite honestly, I'm impartial to that belief. I don't like the idea that the government could be setting up these events just for the reason of starting a war or getting something by the people that they control, but I also can't ignore that human nature (or at least, learned human nature) dictates that we will use whatever means necessary to get our way, no matter who gets hurt in the process. I am extremely skeptial when people try to say that events like the Sandy Elementary Tragedy was set up by the government (cause it's one thing when adults are targeted, but kids? That's just inhumane) but when it's an event that targets adults or in an area where there are a lot of adults, I begin to wonder if it actually was by 'insert radical group' or staged.
Fadetoblack wrote...
monpekokero wrote...
Well, if anything, it was effective. Now tell me, are you one of the folks that believes they deliberately set this mass murder up themselves?

Quite honestly, I'm impartial to that belief. I don't like the idea that the government could be setting up these events just for the reason of starting a war or getting something by the people that they control, but I also can't ignore that human nature (or at least, learned human nature) dictates that we will use whatever means necessary to get our way, no matter who gets hurt in the process. I am extremely skeptial when people try to say that events like the Sandy Elementary Tragedy was set up by the government (cause it's one thing when adults are targeted, but kids? That's just inhumane) but when it's an event that targets adults or in an area where there are a lot of adults, I begin to wonder if it actually was by 'insert radical group' or staged.

Yeah that's how I like to look at it. I can't tell you no to anything I can't prove with concrete evidence, even if I have my doubts which means I can't say yes. I think it's a healthy outlook to have.
Those hardly count as mass murder.
Damn the fucker who passed the bill...
i just don't agree for CISPA, who the fucking hell would like that shitty piece of uncounted bolswaggen anyway ?

oh yeah the greedy corporate bastards.
This may sound silly but what does the CISPA bill entail? Im not from the US and while I try to watch the news when I can I have yet to hear anything about it other then the name.
I think they didn't plan it, but you could consider them amending the docket and voting at an opportune time. Remember that they can change ther order of what's discussed, and the house has very concrete rules to do so. Do I think it was planned? No. Do I think they took advantage of the situation? Yes. Just like the Monsanto Defense Act, which was timed to the Supreme Court's decision on prop. 8 and DOMA.
Room101 Waifu Collector
Ah yes, the U.S Congress, the biggest assembly of faggots and cunts on this planet since Comintern kicked the bucket.

However, I don't really think that they would resort to domestic terror over such a thing...starting a war with some God-forsaken country, or anything with "free" trade on it, yeah, but this? Nope.

But they will most definitely use it to bury the issue in the crowd, just as they tried doing to ACTA.

Sad thing is, this is the second time this happens, and the second time the whole issue passes under the media radar. Lesson being that until journalists aren't personally inconvenienced (like by shutting down Wikipedia), they won't do shit.

On the other hand though, there's still the Senate, and Presidential veto.
UsagiHime wrote...
This may sound silly but what does the CISPA bill entail? Im not from the US and while I try to watch the news when I can I have yet to hear anything about it other then the name.

CISPA was supposedly invented to the FBI can track "cyber crime" but was so open-ended that it didn't say how they could track it, pretty much saying that the government could look through your entire internet history and if they found something that they didn't approve of or seemed like it could link to crime, they can arrest you for it
Fadetoblack wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
This may sound silly but what does the CISPA bill entail? Im not from the US and while I try to watch the news when I can I have yet to hear anything about it other then the name.

CISPA was supposedly invented to the FBI can track "cyber crime" but was so open-ended that it didn't say how they could track it, pretty much saying that the government could look through your entire internet history and if they found something that they didn't approve of or seemed like it could link to crime, they can arrest you for it

Ahhh!! I dont like the sounds of that at all!!!

To be honest I think people are pretty stupid with plans to stop internet crime...
It would take me probably under 10minutes to find something like child porn so that being said why is there such a focus on keeping tabs on people?! Just find out why its so easy to obtain and stop it at the source.
I think it's coincidental, primarily because the calendar for the legislative branch is anything but fluid.
It passed a day before boston I think so they were just being discrete about it.
UsagiHime wrote...
Fadetoblack wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
This may sound silly but what does the CISPA bill entail? Im not from the US and while I try to watch the news when I can I have yet to hear anything about it other then the name.

CISPA was supposedly invented to the FBI can track "cyber crime" but was so open-ended that it didn't say how they could track it, pretty much saying that the government could look through your entire internet history and if they found something that they didn't approve of or seemed like it could link to crime, they can arrest you for it

Ahhh!! I dont like the sounds of that at all!!!

To be honest I think people are pretty stupid with plans to stop internet crime...
It would take me probably under 10minutes to find something like child porn so that being said why is there such a focus on keeping tabs on people?! Just find out why its so easy to obtain and stop it at the source.

Cause it's not about stopping crime at all. It's about movie and music companies trying to stop people from downloading their stuff for free.
Fadetoblack wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
Fadetoblack wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
This may sound silly but what does the CISPA bill entail? Im not from the US and while I try to watch the news when I can I have yet to hear anything about it other then the name.

CISPA was supposedly invented to the FBI can track "cyber crime" but was so open-ended that it didn't say how they could track it, pretty much saying that the government could look through your entire internet history and if they found something that they didn't approve of or seemed like it could link to crime, they can arrest you for it

Ahhh!! I dont like the sounds of that at all!!!

To be honest I think people are pretty stupid with plans to stop internet crime...
It would take me probably under 10minutes to find something like child porn so that being said why is there such a focus on keeping tabs on people?! Just find out why its so easy to obtain and stop it at the source.

Cause it's not about stopping crime at all. It's about movie and music companies trying to stop people from downloading their stuff for free.

Its a sad world :/
*Slow Clap* Good work government.

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