Weird audio problem. It garbles the audio?

Two days ago i notice that the audio on the mkv and mp4 are skipping/garbling. I thought it was because flac or the files were corrupted, but they are fine on my other computers. Weirdly enough it doesn't do this after i restart, but hours later it comes back. I scanned the av, malware bytes, Killed non used programs running and reinstalled all mpc codecs and updated drivers on audio. I googled and found sometimes the hp software degrades or the program interferes with ram handling.

But nothing is sucking ram... and i have no idea what else to do.

Win 7 home
celerlon 900 2.16ghz
3 gb ram dd2 667
Intel hd card
Wistron 3612
Did this start on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, by any chance?

...serious question, by the way.
I noticed it on Thursday but i didn't dl anything before that so it could of been fucked wednesday.
Its possible that the updated driver for your audio is buggy and might need to switch back to an older version of the drivers. I had the same problem with my sound card and I needed to switch back to vista version.
The updated driver is from 2-12. There no new drivers to update to and i tried that.. still has the same problems.

Edit: it seems to be something to do with how the hdd talks with the mobo. Which this update for the Intel Rapid Storage Technology.
Worked.. it seems. Something else worked a bit, but i can hear a shutter of a mil-sec, but i don't wanta stop the service every time i want to watch a video.

Seem ok at the moment. I did figure out it was in the update from windows.

Reedit.. fuck it's back.
Try looking into these links and see if they work:
Btw what kind of player do you use? It could be the players fault and not the drivers.
All the same thing.
Well if that link you posted earlier worked for a bit then I guess it can't hurt to try it again but this time try and find an older version of iata_enu_10.8.0.1003.exe because this update might not be compatible with your laptop.

I'm also not too sure why you want to disable Intel Rapid Storage as well because that update basically installs Intel Rapid Storage to stop your laptop audio from stuttering but if you insist then here's how you turn it off completely without having to keep turning it off when you watch your stuff:

Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > System Configuration > Startup > Untick
The other thing wasn't the intel storage. I stop service for TrkWks.