What did you learn today?

I learnt a quicker route home from my friends place.
Be relentless if you must and be silent if you care.
I've learnt that my hoodie still has the price tag tied to it while I was wearing it around.
Act natural on crowded places, you will blend in.
That peppers are not good with BBQ sauce. x.x
Act like crazy on uncrowded places you will blend in.
Secrets, I learnt about some peoples secrets today ^^
SkelliDrops wrote...
Secrets, I learnt about some peoples secrets today ^^

What were those secrets ? can you give a hint ?
That the Golden State Warriors are a very dangerous team and will probably make deep playoff runs for the foreseeable future.
That my boyfriend will actually sit and watch Haibane Renmei with me. It's one of my favorite animes despite the religious undertones in it. I think the art and music are beautiful, the characters are likeable and memorable, and the story has a lot of symbolism that makes you contemplate life. I just have never met a guy who liked the series nevertheless I am very happy that I finally have someone to watch it with me.
Rikkushi wrote...
SkelliDrops wrote...
Secrets, I learnt about some peoples secrets today ^^

What were those secrets ? can you give a hint ?

Just some plots people have against me to run me out of town (not really town, the forum actually ) but that's okai :3 I wouldn't leave, I love this place.

OT; that it's not going to cost me as much to get my mommy a pandora bracelet ^^
Gravity cat the adequately amused
One of my friends, as of Sunday, is going out with a girl we hang around with sometimes. Didn't expect him to ask her out, didn't even know her liked her.

A day later her friend, who we also hang out with, asked my other friend out but he turned her down. Actually laughed at his emphasis on "No" when he told me.
That Light novels may exceed the 208 page count limit and may increase to 245-298.
That I still kick ass at Tetris.
More training for Ab Ripper X required.
My cats love the bathroom.
All the other Gundams, in Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2, suck butt through a straw.
That before Santana started using PRS guitars he used Gibson and these weird Yamaha guitars. We got one in at our store, it's a vintage 1985 Yamaha SBG-1000. I really liked the instrument so I did my research on it.

Full mahogany body, ebony fretboard, real mother-of-pearl inlays. The action is superb... I even took a picture. If I had the money I'd buy it myself, but at least I can work towards finding it a good home with someone.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/179106_183798125110564_2044241055_n.jpg
That dark chocolate covered potato chips are delicious!
Where there is Light there is Darkness. Both cannot exist without each other.