What did you want to be when you grew up?

I actually wanted to be a Police Officer. The whole idea of protecting innocent people and punishing bad guys was a very intriguing idea at the time.

Then I grew up and now I don't give two shits about most people. Now, I just want a financially stable life (Just like most people that have posted), a job as a Graphics Engine Programmer, and a nice family, maybe two or three kids, a dog or two, cute wife, the whole nine yards.
Well now let's see, I was watching gundam wing and I always wanted my own gundam like hero yue. Another dream of mine is to fly planes and such. It's still there just in the shelves of my life. My head was on the clouds during those times so anything aviation related was prety much what I wanted to be and/or do.
I have always wanted to be Death. Well, since about 5ish, not really sure why...
a brachiosaurus.

and i still can too; (correct use of semicolon? i have no clue.) all i have to do is find the right mosquito stuck in amber, some gender-flipping frog dna, and a suitable amount of japanese investors.

dinosaurs are the shit.
I wanted to be a number of things, usually involved in the physical sciences. Yes, I've been a super nerd since I was at least eight. At around ten I wanted to be a nuclear physicist, at twelve that became particle physicist, at fourteen it was cosmologist, and at sixteen it was video game programmer (I had just gotten my first console, and Xbox 360).
My dream is the same as it was when I was 9. I've always wanted to become a CIA agent and blow shit up while still saving the world. Im still aming for that an nobodys gonna put me out. I've got a white hot burning passion!
Actually, an Inn Keeper. Like Anju from Majora's Mask but a guy.
i wanted to be a destroyer ... one who will destroy this planet ....
Go back in time to world war 2 and be a Combat pilot
Nate River wrote...
god, or at least a godlike person, something that resembles to light yagami and lelouch, it's still my dream even now

My dream was to be an Astronaut, just so I could "get away from my sister".
I wanted to grow up to become an Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don't ask me how.
h03r1d4 wrote...
I wanted to grow up to become an Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don't ask me how.

You wanted to suck at English and acting? And on the same time be a badass with nothing but one liners.
I can live with that.
Forum Image: http://cdn.walyou.com/wp-content/uploads//2012/03/Obama-not-bad-meme.jpg
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
I wanted to be Jet fighter pilot. Still want to

Flying high in the sky with my metallic bird.

And i wanted to becoma an inventor and make a fighter that acts like Robotech/macross fighter.
Before, I've been telling myself that I'd be a scientist. Then I realized that I didn't have the genius of Einstein nor Newton. Then I aimed for an IT course, but I found it too mainstream. Now, I just want to travel the skies, on the driver's seat.

Or I could follow Loeb or Schumacher at WRC or F1. I am such a speedophile.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a footballer, then a cricketer. Right now I'm pursuing some jobs in academics(physics/maths) but I'll probably end up in a chemistry lab. I've also thought about lecturing in physics, maths is boring to teach.

The teen years were spent thinking I was going to grow up to be the next Jimmy Page or Dave Murray, a dream I still pursue.
Wanted to be a jet fighter pilot. A hero in the skies. Join a ace squadron and fly an F-22 Raptor.

Of course once harsh reality set in, that fizzled out and now enjoy such dreams in games like Ace Combat.

Now I just want to work in the medical field, eventually becoming a Radiologist or Nuclear Med Technologist. I can still be a hero in such a field.
I didn't really think about what I wanted to be as a child. The only thought constantly spinning around my head was "More toys" or "I can't wait to buy this one next."

Back then I thought I'd be a kid forever, a job seemed like only something parents or adults do.
Then... reality slapped me right across the face :l
I wanted to be a manga artist known worldwide ! :)
But i end up going for engineering..
I wanna be a Teacher :O