What do you live for ?

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I live for the music career I've pined for since I learned to talk, my soulmate, and my future children. That's my bliss.
I ask myself that question every monring. For now no answer has come to me but it shall all become clear soon
ToyManC wrote...
I want to finish my book. Even if it never gets published, I could say I wrote one. Not a grandiose dream, but it's all I have at the moment.

Same here
I have two goals.

1. Change 'her' world. Not the entire world, just her world, whoever she is.

2. Program AIs that don't suck. Seriously, video game AIs still feel stupid and my career goal is to become a programmer for AIs and make something that can think-- both ally AIs and enemy AIs.
Gubi wrote...
I will throw fireballs one day.

I wait for the day where adventures come to life and reality bends to the will of greater forces. I lay in the shadows waiting for the world to tip upside down as our legends rain down on us and life finally becomes interesting.

The only objective for me up to there is to prepare and be confortable in the mean time.

I know what you mean. I've been waiting for this whole shambling world to pick up the pace. I can't help seeking adventure, or just something more, something that would finally make reality worth it.

Oh and, I'd prefer Naze's ability from Medaka Box, controlling both fire and ice seems nice ^^
I live for my family, and my friends who stuck by my side even when I was a jack ass and unreasonable.
I live to make the best of life. I see life as a wheat field, ready to be harvest of its bounty. But I also see it as a war zone, where I am in the trenches. Do I have the courage to make it over the next hill and dive back into the next fox hole? Certainly. Why? Because Courage and Courage alone. I know the dangers of what life has to offer, and yet I still climb up mountains, and dive into deep seas. What is there at the end? My goal. The goal of living a satisfactory life, spending the small moments with friends, and viewing the world in all of its goodness. I'm going to climb the next hill, the enemy will be waiting, obstacles obscure our path. Are you strong enough to take it down? If so, follow me, because I know, if I set my mind to it, there is nothing life has that I cannot overcome.

All In all I live to enjoy everything good in this life ^^ friends, family, and even challenges.

Forum Image: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/nihilism.png

Plain and simple.
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