What do you spend most of your time here doing?

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Feels like deja vu, I think I have answered this before...

Most of the time I'm just lurking, post ocasionally, want to try to break the ice and make a new friend here too, but I'm still paralized.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I mostly look around the forums and post when I can, but I'm usually too afraid to post although I do post whenever I can build up the courage.
DatYuriThough wrote...
I mostly look around the forums and post when I can, but I'm usually too afraid to post although I do post whenever I can build up the courage.

Afraid? Why? For someone who writes good story (I am currently reading it btw), that was unexpected.

OT: Mostly in CTFG trying to win the last poster game.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
mastermind alpha wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
I mostly look around the forums and post when I can, but I'm usually too afraid to post although I do post whenever I can build up the courage.

Afraid? Why? For someone who writes good story (I am currently reading it btw), that was unexpected.

OT: Mostly in CTFG trying to win the last poster game.

Thanks for reading my book! :) But I have a form of Social anxiety disorder so I find it hard to post comments and even look people in the eye sometimes. I do have to build up a lot of courage in order to post comments but I feel like I'm getting better at it as I spend more time posting comments.
DatYuriThough wrote...
mastermind alpha wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
I mostly look around the forums and post when I can, but I'm usually too afraid to post although I do post whenever I can build up the courage.

Afraid? Why? For someone who writes good story (I am currently reading it btw), that was unexpected.

OT: Mostly in CTFG trying to win the last poster game.

Thanks for reading my book! :) But I have a form of Social anxiety disorder so I find it hard to post comments and even look people in the eye sometimes. I do have to build up a lot of courage in order to post comments but I feel like I'm getting better at it as I spend more time posting comments.

I see. Well I hope that you can get over it. As for your book, I'm a slow reader so I'm still on chapter 2, but I'm sure I will completely read it.
mastermind alpha wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
mastermind alpha wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
I mostly look around the forums and post when I can, but I'm usually too afraid to post although I do post whenever I can build up the courage.

Afraid? Why? For someone who writes good story (I am currently reading it btw), that was unexpected.

OT: Mostly in CTFG trying to win the last poster game.

Thanks for reading my book! :) But I have a form of Social anxiety disorder so I find it hard to post comments and even look people in the eye sometimes. I do have to build up a lot of courage in order to post comments but I feel like I'm getting better at it as I spend more time posting comments.

I see. Well I hope that you can get over it. As for your book, I'm a slow reader so I'm still on chapter 2, but I'm sure I will completely read it.

You should! As her proof reader, I can tell you that it's definitely worth reading!
Silence of the Yanderes wrote...
mastermind alpha wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
mastermind alpha wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
I mostly look around the forums and post when I can, but I'm usually too afraid to post although I do post whenever I can build up the courage.

Afraid? Why? For someone who writes good story (I am currently reading it btw), that was unexpected.

OT: Mostly in CTFG trying to win the last poster game.

Thanks for reading my book! :) But I have a form of Social anxiety disorder so I find it hard to post comments and even look people in the eye sometimes. I do have to build up a lot of courage in order to post comments but I feel like I'm getting better at it as I spend more time posting comments.

I see. Well I hope that you can get over it. As for your book, I'm a slow reader so I'm still on chapter 2, but I'm sure I will completely read it.

You should! As her proof reader, I can tell you that it's definitely worth reading!

Yeah, you don't have to tell me twice! Well if you will excuse me, I'm off for chapter 3. ^_^

But now it seems I will spend more time in the writing and fanfiction section of the forum.:)
Creeping and posting on forums, sometimes I read some H.
lol I nearly entirely forgot theres that video tab right there, I look past it all the time! lol
But I spend probably an even amount of time both browsing Doujins and reading/posting on forums. Depending on my mood and time of day. In the morning, i usually just read a few doujinshi but at night i like to browse the forums, Nosebleed forums have caught my attention lately, but yeah its just whatevers in the moment for me. I wish there was a way to see how many hours I've logged, that would be interesting.
I read manga/doujinshi but ive recently been visiting the forums more often
Looking for new colored doujinshi and new forums. Also fapping.
Browsing the forums and sometimes posting as well. I also read doujinshi/manga when I get the chance to.
Fap(Reading H-Manga) and Browse/Post on forums.
lurking and then some more lurking and sometimes posting
reading thoughts of other member.
Damoz ~Not A User~
Lurk and occasionally post, i don't read my cartoon porn here anymore~
Molest users and make dick jokes.
looking for funny sig here :D
I spend most of my time here posting and being a fag op >.>
Most often I just read manga or doujinshi and if I feel like it I check the forum :P
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