What happened to Hentai From Hell?

It went back to hell.
So has anyone heard anything or has he just given up?
It's looking like Caska's AWOL...
This thread should have died the moment it leaves the first page.
guess what people its those religous nuts again i managed to get onto the page only to see the word "God" and then my laptop crashing man i need a new laptop
any news from Caska?
Just go somewhere else for your hentai, there are so many other websites for it... Start lookin'.

Edit - Seriously... Not even 3 seconds on google.
Medzy wrote...
Just go somewhere else for your hentai, there are so many other websites for it... Start lookin'.

Edit - Seriously... Not even 3 seconds on google.

Ppl like you that wasn't a regular dont understand.

This new site is diffidently created by someone other than the original creator.

Challenge: Find 10 site that even update daily or weekly
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Moongazer wrote...
Medzy wrote...
Just go somewhere else for your hentai, there are so many other websites for it... Start lookin'.

Edit - Seriously... Not even 3 seconds on google.

Ppl like you that wasn't a regular dont understand.

This new site is diffidently created by someone other than the original creator.

Challenge: Find 10 site that even update daily or weekly

ExHentai. That's all. Now go.
There's also the matter of that HFH had a large number of cracked hentai games and flash games that no other site had. Plus it's the only place I've ever found a large quantity of Gin'you Haru doujins, and he's my favorite Touhou doujin artist. Even this place only has three or so.

I was another old HFH user, (from when its background was a red cemetery). and damm i know how you fell, even tough fakku and others sites are really great, I still miss my old HFH, I really hope caska will be back someday with a new HFH.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Watcher1985 wrote...
There's also the matter of that HFH had a large number of cracked hentai games and flash games that no other site had. Plus it's the only place I've ever found a large quantity of Gin'you Haru doujins, and he's my favorite Touhou doujin artist. Even this place only has three or so.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/2qNw5
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/2qNww

See these pics? See all those doujins you're talking about, listed in a simple gallery format? Realize now that HFH is really not that special and unique a site (except for maybe those cracked games you're talking about, but Fakku's user uploads and torrents can remedy that)?

Seriously, all of you moping so hard about losing this one site: you'd be fapping to even more hentai now if you just fucking moved on.
artcellrox wrote...
Watcher1985 wrote...
There's also the matter of that HFH had a large number of cracked hentai games and flash games that no other site had. Plus it's the only place I've ever found a large quantity of Gin'you Haru doujins, and he's my favorite Touhou doujin artist. Even this place only has three or so.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/2qNw5
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/2qNww

See these pics? See all those doujins you're talking about, listed in a simple gallery format? Realize now that HFH is really not that special and unique a site (except for maybe those cracked games you're talking about, but Fakku's user uploads and torrents can remedy that)?

Seriously, all of you moping so hard about losing this one site: you'd be fapping to even more hentai now if you just fucking moved on.

Shout out to E-Hentai Galleries.
You don't need to be rude about it, Artcell, but point made. Guess I'm done here.
THe flash seems to be disabled, but it could a an April Fool's prank. If the site is not back without the flash by the end of the week, then we should probably call it dead.
Me or this forum topic? Just for clarification.
This thread, obviously. Caska's either been utterly crippled computer-wise or given up entirely. Nothing left to say. Us newbies who signed up looking for him should probably just go dark again and enjoy the stuff here.
the site was down again and it say that i dont have the permission to enter the server...darn it
-1 rep, why? bryan98560's right, hentaifromhell.org is down.
Monster Girl
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