What is the longest you've gone without?

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I am talking about sex. From your sexual debut, and until now, for how long have you gone without?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
So far, I've gone without sex for a few months.

I can surpress my sex drive, to an extent. If I get a boner in public, I can calm it easily without needing to fap although it takes a couple of minutes. At times when my sex drive is in full swing, also known as "In heat", the urge of wanting sex tends to take over my mind and I go out, meet up with people and secretely expect to get laid afterwards. Funny thing is, I never have outside of a relationship, so it's a pretty sad sight.

I have a personal policy to only sleep with people I have feelings for, or at the very least, someone I know. I'm not into one-night stands with complete strangers.
Damoz ~Not A User~
I feel pretty bad for saying it, but it must have been at least 4-5 years. But i am not really counting, i don't particularly care all that much, and i have my reason's anyway~
Let's see. It's been about 17 months, I suppose.

Also 17 months since my last kiss, last hug, and to some extent decent human interaction.

I was on a tour of duty for two and a half years.. non of the women i wanted to stick happy jack into over there.. my hand was my lover.
I'm still in the middle of a dry spell, lasting 2 months so far.

16 years, then the second longest would have to be the 6 month dry spell, when we were transitioning to our current residence.
About now, either Handthony, or my girlfriend is here helping me in that regard.
I've gone for about three years without having any. I'm currently counting my next dry spell at nearly two years. I'm 27 and not that bad looking of a guy so I often wonder why I'm not really getting laid anymore. Then, it comes down to me thinking it's the people here that don't jar my interest. So, I think I need to move to a new feeding ground or something. South Texas isn't the place to go to get any action.
My longest dry spell was 8 months. I was working and traveling, living in three different countries over this time. I was very busy and it was hard to meet new people because of the language barriers. And therefore, I didn't get any action. But Jesus buttf*cking christ, was I horny. One thing went on in my head, p o r n o g r a p h y. I am bad at ignoring my sexual desire. But then I went home for christmas for two weeks and just.. went...crazy. If my mother new half of it she would grab her chest and die, thats how bad it was :P
I think it was somewhere between 2-3 years. I have never been good with the ladies, and the only reason I ever got a girlfriend was pure luck (yay for luck :D )
18 years.

ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Eleven years, and counting.
Half a year a most.
ToyManC wrote...
Eleven years, and counting.

god damn it dude... I would just suck your dick out of mercy at this point XD haha (didn't mean to be degrading or to humilitate you in any way, I am sorry if it seemed like i did. But truly, if it was true, and you were a friend of mine :P I would...seriously.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Quadratic wrote...
18 years.


20 years.

Beat that. T^T
artcellrox wrote...
Quadratic wrote...
18 years.


20 years.

Beat that. T^T

Also 20 years, but I'm a few months older than you, right? My birthday's in March.

Weeee~ I'm currently winning the virginity game~

Don't tell me that's not something to be proud of! I'll take whatever I can get!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
ryuuhagoku wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Quadratic wrote...
18 years.


20 years.

Beat that. T^T

Also 20 years, but I'm a few months older than you, right? My birthday's in March.

Weeee~ I'm currently winning the virginity game~

Don't tell me that's not something to be proud of! I'll take whatever I can get!

If you're turning 21 this March, then yes, you have me beat. I turned 20 just this December.
You need to go to sunset and pick up a bar chick. Art.
artcellrox wrote...
ryuuhagoku wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
[quote="Quadratic"]18 years.


20 years.

Beat that. T^T

Also 20 years, but I'm a few months older than you, right? My birthday's in March.

Weeee~ I'm currently winning the virginity game~

Don't tell me that's not something to be proud of! I'll take whatever I can get!

.... maybe I am an uncurable horndog just saying this, but....How can you walk, talk and stand like human beings? You have my respect *bowing* I, on the other hand, cant have anything but pornography in my head after going without sex for a week. Just dirty..fucking thoughts all the time... Such a despicable human being...But as I said, you have my respect, keep it up :P
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