What is your favorite popular Shonen?

What is your favorite Shonen?

Total Votes : 5,462
Nothing can beat the classic Dragonball to the max....
I love One Piece; it has been consistently entertaining throughout its long run. The only downside to One Piece is that its length prevents rewatching and finding specific scenes from past episodes is time consuming.
In my mind, Soul Eater....But in my heart,Air gear, to me cause it something that can be done in real life(with a little investment and research).
Fairy Tail, I think... I only read the manga though, the anime didn't do the trick for me...
in the list first place One Piece . (im too lazy to use "other" option...)
Yu Yu Hakusho man
TriniDarkSlayer wrote...
Gantz is my current fave shonen, aside from Full Metal Alchemist.

Gantz is actually seinen (aimed at more mature male audiences).
I liked to aru ,not the most shonen tho, and Fary Tail but I dont watch it atm.. and I'm more into romance even tho I'm a 'shonen' xd
None for me, thanks.
All of them are ok especially FMA but chose History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Fist of the north star
Out of all of those, I'd have to choose One Piece or Naruto. They're equally important to me as I grew up with both of them. I'd probably side with One Piece though solely because it's probably the only anime I know of that I prefer dub over sub.
to love ru
Certainly Fullmetal Alchemist.
(for anime the brotherhood series of course)
Such a perfect series.

Other perfect shounen are for me death note and code geass.
Fullmetal Alchemist for me i never read the manga but when i watched the first FMA i loved it. When Maes Hughes died the whole funeral scene and the music was so tear jerking, i almost cried(not kidding). Brotherhood was of course the one i liked the most, they both had everything i could ask for in a anime series.
from these, i'd say naruto since i consider negima as more of a shoujo
Gintama. Watch anime all your life. Maybe than you understand after it will be your last.
Secret Man wrote...
FMA for me. I will never even touch an anime that's more than 200 episodes. FMA is one of the best mainstream shounen titles precisely because it's not milked to death with unnecessary filler-episodes and whatnot.

I completely agree, if theres anything worse then just a plain out bad anime, its a good one thats run into the dirt. Also, FMA for me too. But if i had to say my favorite animes it would be Lupin III and Eureka 7.......and trigun.
Bleach is my favorite
I also like Shaman King
One Piece is my favorite, but if I had to pick a number 2 it would be FMA.