What is your favorite season of the year?

What is your favorite season of the year?

Total Votes : 1,459
Personally I am a big fan of spring. I live in the north eastern United States where we get a ton of snow during the winter, so when it finally melts and spring starts it feels awesome.

What is your favorite season of the year and why?
Haha Fall is my personal favorite season of the year. Since I live near Seattle, winter and spring are always cold and wet. Summer is nice, but it just doesn't have that crisp, clean, and warm atmosphere that is autumn ^^
Summer for 3 reasons:

1. No school (Unless you're in college like me).

2. Fewer clothes.

3. Ice cream.
I live in Florida. Fall is the only decent time of the whole year. Fuck summer and its 120f in the shade antics!
Nothing like cozying up with a loved one on a cold winter night. Then again the warm glow of a monitor is fine too.
My favorite season is winter. I live in Georgia so it's not really that cold down here and it barely snows. Also I hate bugs during summer and spring, especially during fall, ants are everywhere! Not many bugs in winter :) They are all hiding
I love winter for 3 reasons: 1,It feels damn good to eat hot food during winter.
2, I can slack in my warm and comfort bed :)
3, Go out with gf in the snow, so Romantic!
As I live in Australia, Winter is my favourite season as it's a nice break from the heat we normally have, and the cold is another excuse to chill out with my cats!!
not too hot, not too cold here :)

Anyway, winter is my favourite. I like being really cold as opposed to really hot. It might sound strange but I take my clothes off when it's cold. I also really like the rain and open my window to hear it, or sometimes go in the garden.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Summer. Don't like the cold, so the opposite is the clear favorite.
im born in winter
i like the snowfall and run around in a t-shirt most of the time
to get usto the chillin xD
so that's why i like winter ^,^
Winter of course... love the snow. its beautiful.. and snuggling up into bed is one the best things about it! and christmas will always be near when winter is here... winter is beautiful :D
Even though it doesn't snow on my country, Winter season is my favorite.
It's all about Christmas and pine trees. Oh, and don't forget about the snow of course
In the words of Eddard Stark: "Winter is coming."

Winter is the greatest.
Summer ^^

i like it hot. ^^
spring and winter is realy cold in germany...
I like spring because of three reasons:
1st: Near the end of school year.
2nd: Decent weather
3rd: My birthday
Summer, because that's when I get to be with my friends almost every day.
I voted for winter only because I really hate the humid, flying bug filled summers Massachusetts gets.
Winter is my favorite because of the cold and most importantly the snow! When I was a kid my parents used to yell at me for having my window open in the middle of January.

It is a toss up between spring and fall fo my second favorite season. I like spring because of the whole April showers bring May flowers thing. Pleasantly cool, wet and green. Fall has the colors and hunting season going for it.

Summer is a definate no; the worst season by far. It is too warm and too dry. Anything above 75 farenheit is somewhat uncomfortable to me, and above 85 or so is depressingly hot. What summer has going for it is fireworks over the 4th of July (its a wonder I haven't blown myself up yet)and camping in the mountains.
Monster Girl
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