What is Your Reason(s) in joining Fakku!?

What is Your Reason(s) in joining Fakku!?

Total Votes : 104
Kadushy Douchebag
Gravity cat wrote...
TrueGuiltyCrown wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
TrueGuiltyCrown wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
TrueGuiltyCrown wrote...
Actually i think Fakku is one if not the greatest Site for Doujinshi and H-Manga.

HA! You are so new to internet hentai.

Not really, i'm just stating my humble opinion, go away troll.. hush hush.
My Race differs from yours, hush hush.

Race has nothing to do with intelligence, despite what people may believe.

Solva-tan wrote...
If you want a better place for Doujins and H-manga, sign up for ExHentai.

^ This, and Gelbooru. Gel's useless for image hosting though, as most people can't see an image if it's hotlinked.

Since you didn't understand my sarcasm, irony or any other form of knowedledge you might have missed the Race was an hint to the "troll" thing and shouldn't discrimnate any living Race in the world. So you just might have misunderstood me, this sentence was pointed at the word troll and not on the Human Races. Hope you understood me this time, even though my english isn't the best :p

Sarcasm isn't easily detected through written words on the Internet.

O Rly?

Also, that's being quite racist ya know? Trolls HAVE FEELINGS TOO.