What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

Been Baalshazar for years and haven't left it.
I have no idea to be honest. I just picked a number between 1 and 10 and bam.
I originally wanted to use a nickname but decided against it.
There was also a certain profile picture I wanted to use but it was too small..
But I had not thought of a username yet so I combined the two and that was it. :P
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Bug post test.
Well,obviously because i am the master of all yarraks.
CAPTCHA suggested it, so why not. It's the best way to pick the name if you are having problems inventing a username.
I have a youtube name called Hsutheguard, so for this Fakku website, I just simply changed it to Hsuthefap
[color=#9933ff] Transformers. It was also my name on MAL for a while until I changed it. [/color]
Mine is from that game with that guy
Kappas are one of my most liked youkais and my favorite color is blue. My username comes from blue swamp in Japanese. Kappas don't live there but I kind of imagine a blue green swamp with kappas.
So I can last forever.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
It's my username in everything. I have a thing for Porygon, and I'd just finished watching TTGL, so it just kind of happened.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
It's a variation of an old username I had that I found cool sounding.

My old username was based on a mistake as I tried to remember a name by memory and failed horribly.

The 01, is just because somehow someone has the same username as what I usually use.
Could be an old account of mine that I forgot years ago.
Old nickname from the 90's. It's actually from a game called Ehrgeiz, which was a Squaresoft fighting game with FF7 characters in it. Although I did make a typo I couldn't care much about it anyway. Lately I've been running with Ergh as well, since that's at least pronounceable for non-German languages. :)
DMN wasn't long enough and I'm not creative enough to come up with a new handle? I suppose I could change it to something random and incoherent, but I am also very lazy
My name comes from gag drawings I used to do of Sherry Birkin having a miserable childhood. But rather than traumatized I chose traumatic. Cuz It sounds cooler
I like... I love meganes and it's my artist name.
For me, I just needed a name that was completely different than my normal online handle, and robot chicken also happened to be on the TV at the time.
Momo used to be my nickname long ago, and means pink peach. I love peaches so I found it approptiate.
Buns just refers to Bunny.
I ultimately got the idea from my close friend who has a username similar to mine but on twitter, with her suggestion.