What pets do you have?

Honestly, and not fake pets, what pets do we all have, I am curious to know.
My mom's always loved birds, so are backyard has a aviary (built by me and brother-in-law) that has about 30 Budgerigars.
Well I used to have a alaskan mowomue but she was sick and we had to put her to sleep not long ago =( I was so upset by it my brother got me buddy so I have 1 dog
ive got 2 dogs, a golden lab and wired haired dachshund
I had two cats, one solid white and the other solid black. Sadly my white cat got ran over when he accidentally got outside a few months ago T_T
2 cats which are right now sleeping in my lap
i have an heinz 57 ... basicaly an mixed breed dog it is an

jack Russel x wired hair terrier
I currently have 2 turtles. No idea what kind they are. I found one of the turtles. Its about the size of a 9 volt battery. The other one was given to me by a friend of my brother-in-law's.

Small one floats around upside down. Scared the shit out of me the first time. Thought it was dead. The second one is scared as shit of anything. It loves getting on top of a rock I put in like some kind of lion king. But as soon as I move, he jumps and falls into the water.

I also own a cat. Its a white stripe gray thing(Forgot the name of it) Had it since it could fit into the palm of my hand.

I used to have a mutt which was a lab, german shepard mix. Great dog, it just smelled really bad sometimes. I miss her.

Oh, forgot to mention the beta fish I own as well.
illumi wrote...
Small one floats around upside down. Scared the shit out of me the first time. Thought it was dead.

Fukken lol'd. :lol:

I have two dogs.
I used to own a Guinea pig but sadly she died recently...
[color=darkred]I used to have five turtles that were big as a my hand,first they were really small but in a few months they grew big sometimes I buy them small fish at Wal-Mart for them to eat,but once we had to move I had no choice but to sell them because they need a lot of attention and I didn't have the time for that because of school :(

I also have two Labs one is Brown the other was Black,I gave the black one away because him and the other one were always fighting almost to the point of killing each other,so I kept my oldest dog with me since he was my first pet I had since I was little,the black one I gave him over to a family that owns a farm so he could have a lot of space for him to runaround

So the only pet I have is the brown lab [/color]
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I miss having a dog around the house....Sometimes I'll visit my parents just to play/pet the dog.

Forum Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v133/akahakke/CIM2006002.jpg
I used to have two cats, but where I live now there are no pets allowed....so now I have this spider that lives behind my bookcase and just kinda chills over there. Every once in a while he'll come out and scuttle back and forth. I named it Steve.
Used to have 2 canaries. Once when I wasn't looking they turned into 8 canaries. Couldn't stand the noise so I sold the bastards for a nice heap of cash and bought a black cat (and beer).
I have a green iguana, but in my house there is also two cats and an African Grey Parrot. The parrot will be mine eventually, because it's only something like 6 years old, and they live to be like 65. And my mom and stepdad will not live that long.

Also, a Rancor.
illumi wrote...
It loves getting on top of a rock I put in like some kind of lion king. But as soon as I move, he jumps and falls into the water.

turtle suicide?

I have a cat and three dogs. two labs and a rat sized mutt.
tsujoi wrote...
I miss having a dog around the house....Sometimes I'll visit my parents just to play/pet the dog.

Forum Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v133/akahakke/CIM2006002.jpg
now thats jus love for ya visiting an family pet and not your parents who spent mot of there lives raising you^_^
Dante1214 wrote...
Also, a Rancor.

Oh, I've got one of those.

It's a bitch to clean up the cave though. >.>
Kaimax Best Master-San
Just a bunch of comet fish swimming around in the aquarium and one random spider that I caught and put it in a jar, don't have money to buy a terrarium.
i have many loli as my pet ^^

just kiddin', i used to have aquarium fish though before they all die :cry:
a dog that i want to put in a giant microwave!
she eats my money!
and a hamster who's awesome
Monster Girl
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