What tv series are into right now?

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[color=blue]Currently Watching:

-30 Rock (Season 3)
-Frisky Dingo
-Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law with Commentary

Will Watch:
-Breaking Bad Season 5
-Cowboy Bebop
-Cyborg 009
For live action, Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who
I just got into The Sopranos. Just finished Season 1 and I already find it fucking amazing. I'm probably going to marathon the next few seasons if I can get a hold of them soon.
I'm currently into the Sherlock series, right into the second season. (I think the third season was announced)
I'm also well into Warehouse 13, around season 2 or 3 at the moment. Nice to watch a good sci-fi show, since those are few and far between from Syfy. >.>
How I met your mother
Big Bang theory
Game of thrones
Under the Dome.
Agents of Shield (When it gets aired)

I don't watch TV that much so my list is limited.
Breaking Bad
Walking Dead S3
Marvel agents of shield.
I'm into The Walking Dead
[color=blue]Hey, this thread got revived.

Right now I'm into Boardwalk Empire and Rick & Morty. Don't really have a lot of time to watch TV as of late, though.
I watch old episodes of Top Gear when ever i get too bored, which is almost all the time.
The Flash series looks interesting.
Still into Sons of Anarchy(I'm sad that it's the final season :(), also I'm still watching The Walking Dead(New season!).

Recently though I've been watching Gotham on Fox, that's been really interesting and quite fun!
I'm a fucking weeaboo, so I tend to watch a lot of anime, especially during super slow hours at work. So far I've been keeping up with the new Fate/Stay Night and Your Lie in April. I was watching Akame Ga Kill, but the anime's developers have been making some decisions that I don't really like, so I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep up with it.
Game of Thrones
The League
Hell on Wheels
Bojack Horseman
Walking Dead
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Top Gear
South Park
American Dad
Family Guy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Comic Book Men
American Horror Story

That about covers the main points, I recommend all of the above, though I am open to checking out anything. Recommend me some <3
spyralhax Traps = confused boner
Loving The Flash, Constantine (though I missed this past episode), Archer when it comes back, Legend of Korra (god am I going to miss the Avatar-verse when this series ends) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (except for the April-centric episodes... can't stand that girl).

I have a sort of love/hate deal with Castle, after loving it for the first 5 seasons.

All-time I love pretty much any DC-based cartoon series, Firefly, Spectacular Spider-Man, and Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. The latter two series were criminally cancelled prematurely, if you ask me. Ditto for Young Justice and Green Lantern.
I rarely watch TV at all, I only turn that thing on for Top Gear.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/dvcVu/b0e97f4aa7.jpg

My favorite new tv show this season. Has been a really fun ride so far, can't wait for it to start up again next month.
unfortunately the two shows I'm currently watching are over/on hiatus

the last episode of Sons Of Anarchy aired awhile back and after 7 long years, it ended on such a sad but brilliant note.

and Gotham is on Hiatus until Spring of 2015, so unfortunately I'm stuck with out a tv show as of right now...though I've been kicking the ball around on whether or not to finally start watching Archer
PatchyMcScarlet Spandau Ballet
Quantum Leap.

It's pretty old and really cheesy but I just can't get enough.
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