What type of tea do you like the best?

What type of tea do you like the best?

Total Votes : 3,511
Jmac "I'm a boob man"
If I'm not tired or need a caffeine boost, I like a cup of Earl Gray on cold nights at work.
dammit, misclick. Meant to vote Black Tea but voted Green Tea accidentally.
Out of tea it would have to be oolong but personally every morning I wake up its coffee black, no cream or sugar. Possibly irished if I was drinking the night prior......
My favorite tea is a yellow tea. Its roughly translated name is Golden Horse Tea.

For those whom don't know the more tea leaves are left to oxidize the different tea you will get.
From least to most oxidized

This is also why black teas never really go "bad" as they are fully oxidized.
Does bottled Ice tea count? Real tea like the choices are things I haven't really got to taste and register for long.
once in awhile I drink a tea called blueberry bliss and pineapple kona pop
"both are loose tea blended together"
Imperial green is my bread and butter, bitter things are great because they bring the sweetness out of everything else.
I'm more of a coffee man.
Misaki_Chi wrote...
That image made me really happy to see, I need to re-read that series at some point.

OT: I use to enjoy black chai tea quite a bit, but I don't do well with a lot of caffeine so it's been a while since I've had any.

Currently I really enjoy herbal tea's and good green tea is also enjoyable. My favorite herbal tea's are ginger/lemon since I have a sensitive stomach, cinnamon apple tea which is awesome on cold nights, and a peppermint tea my boyfriend had at his place over the holidays and have recently been hooked on.

There's also a mango peach flavored tea that looks really interesting so next time I'm at the store I want to get some.

I want to start trying loose leaf tea at some point since I got an awesome Japanese tea set from my family last holiday and have yet to use it.

Once you try loose leaf tea, I swear, you'll be hard-pressed to go back to bagged. You get to control the intensity of flavor more and they generally taste "fresher" to me, which is hard to describe but basically the flavor isn't, uh, dusty? Idk, it's like the difference between instant and brewed coffee. They just taste different.

mtlrpzkpfw wrote...
Holoofyoistu wrote...
mtlrpzkpfw wrote...
Holoofyoistu wrote...
i love green tea, and i go to san fran four times a year to buy it in bulk from a tea house that has amazing tea.

What's the name of the tea house? I gotta stop by sometime.

Its called lovejoy's, my youngest sister worked there when she lived in the city, and i started buying my tea in bulk from them because she got me a discount, after she went to college, i kept going back, and now the manager gives me free food whenever i come in to buy tea

That's awsome. Thanks for the info.

Lovejoy's is great for indie blends. You might want to try Ten Ren, too, if you're looking for more "Asian"/less boutique-y tea (located in Cupertino and in San Francisco's Chinatown). Just either bring a friend who speaks Chinese or know exactly what you're going in for so as to avoid surprises ("Wait, that tea costs HOW MUCH?!").

OT: I prefer hojicha if I can get it, made 1.5 times stronger than directions state and maybe with some honey or mixed with barley tea. Otherwise sencha and jasmine are good, too.
Definitely Black Tea :3
coffee coffee coffee coffee. coffee.
Green tea is my favourite by far. Speaking of green tea, I think I'll go make some.
For me, my go to tea is the rose-hip tea I drink at the end of every day. Other than that, I do end up drinking green tea once every other day, and black tea whenever I try to avoid sugary drinks and sodas at restaurants.
I've been going to bed really late recently (4 am on good days) so black tea usually gets me through the day pretty well, and much rather prefer the taste to coffee
FoolyDooly Bought With Mastercard
Nikon wrote...
Tea > coffee

tsk tsk

Tea > coffee = tea
Im curious where did you get that profile pic of your's

And can you tell me if there's a mangga of that are available

Please im a rally a big fan of to aru index and railgu
I'm more of an Iced Tea kind of guy xD
Then again, I like when girls wear Tea Backs xDD
I like all types of tea. Most of the time I like black tea, earl grey especially. Green tea is really nice if you make it properly (lipton green tea bags are disgusting), usually I like to drink it with a meal, it doesn't sit well on an empty stomach.
Lupicia's cookie flavored black tea is good.
Well, green tea is my favorite tea of all time. It the taste that make me sane... when I am stressed. Also, it healthy for me too. Two bird with one stone.