Whats your Element?

Comment on your Favorite element, the element you think would most suit you, or what element is the best,

For those people who cannot choose ill try to explain the personalitys that fit pls post if you feel different:
Basic Elements (choose one of these first)

Fiery people love a good laugh, they prefere to be in the spotlight and are real funny people to be around although they tend to be short tempered they are gr8 friends and always make life exciting
They go the best with Lightning people

Cool calm headed people who tend to keep themselves to themselves, intelligiant and normally the quiet one people of this element find it hard to speak out for themselves but when they do they are rarely dismissed
They go the best with Earth people

Carefree people that love anythink in life, wind people love being energetic and have a tendancy to rub off on others making them a great leader, always motivating other people in the group to do more, although they can seem to have mood swings
They go well with Any element due to carefree nature

Fast talkers and swift with the tounge these are the real loudmouths but this is not a bad thing as you are always the 1st to stick up for people and are loyal friends to the end, many people can find you irritating but you dont care for you know others dont
They go well with Fire element

Earth people are very loyal with their friends and normally have a liking for outdoors, and have a brave attitude to any thing that challenges them, earth people tend to be quite shy and quiet but they change to a outgoing person with people they like
they go well with Water element

People that always see the bright side any see the good in near enough everyone, they try to stay happy constantly and can influence people realli easy but can tend to be annoying if your mood is realli bad
They go well with Any element

Dark have no time for people, they tend to look on the darkside of life and normally have grim attitudes, normally the loner dark find satifaction in the small things that some people dont notice.
They Dont go well withAny element

Mixed Elements(choose if you think you are more than basic)
When combining two personalitys, sometimes you get a wole different person all together

Steam (Fire-Water)
Calm quiet people who like to think several steps ahead, constantly chaging their minds they tend to be unpredictable and hard to control, but theyre only just thinking ahead, whilst they may look calm and cool, sudden surprises startle them and their emotions can get the better of them sometimes
They go well with the Wood Element

Blaze (Fire-Wind)
Agressive thinking people who tend to run straight into things without thinking, Highly charismatic they normally have several gruops of people following them, whether its for the fun or just to keep an eye on them. They place fun above all else and tend not to keep still for very long, these people are particularlly stubborn and never normally think for anyone except themselves.
They go well with Inferno Element

Inferno (Fire-lighting)
Similar to blaze types Inferno elements tend to follow blaze types, but as blaze never seems to think at all, Inferno have quick thinking heads and thus normally try to act as the brain for the two, normally just as impulsive as blaze, many people think that theyre just as brainless as them, which can lead to surprising consequences, Inferno people can get incredibly jealous of anyone that gets more attention than them so they tend to be in constant competion with the ignorant minded blaze
They go well with Blaze Element

Metal (Fire-Earth)
Extremely stubborn, metal people tend to keep themselves to themselves, not normally socializing unless needed, they dont have any dislike of other people but they have a superiority complex thinking that they are better than anyone else, to their credit they tend to be quite good at the things they do, to the point of they do nothing else at all, but their stubornness noramlly gets them into trouble
They go well with Ice element

Ice (Water-Wind)
Vain, impulsive poeople who appear to be nothing more that ignrotant idiots, but get close to one and you will find an incredible mind as well as a expert eye for detail, these people value appearance very highly and normally tend to make things look their best, whether it is themselves or something they have made, this also makes them quite artistic so although they tend to be incedibly narrow minded sometimes they still keep an eye out for anything
They go well with Metal element

Shock (Water-Lighting)
Brainiacs that like to let other people know about it, these people are natural genius and have a mouth just as large as their brain, unlike other smart people who tend to be quite modest these people are smart and like other people to kow about it, others will regard them as Nerds or even Swots, but they know that when their in trouble they are the right people to see.
They go well with Sand element

Wood (Water-Earth)
highly loyal people who would quite literally jump off a bridge if asked, unique to other elements where as this eleent is normally trained and not born with, wood element people make excellent soldiers and guards, they would obey a command not caring for themselves but only wanting their superior to gain from it. The downside to this element is that they tend not to have a voice of their own, normally only keeping themsleves to themselves, although this type of person is actually highly popular
They go well with other Wood element

Storm (Wind-lighting)
Highly active poeple that tend to love anthing as long as they get a rush from it, from extreme sports to potentially life threatining situations, they throw themselves at it with a smile on their face and a empty head. If kept still ro bored for to long though they start to think very deeply and may end up getting depressed or refusing to talk to other people, so thats why popele around them normally encourage most of the activitys they undertake
They seem to go well with Every Element

Sand (Wind-Earth)
Indesicive active people that normally say theyll do something and then at the last minute change their mind, these people tend to have a neutral opioion about everything and tend not to dislike something unless theyve tried it,they tend to be very reluctant at keeping to one task at aa time, normally changing things around as they see fit
The go well Shock Element

Quake (lighting-Earth)
Quiet people that tend to be surprisingly popular, although they tend to keep their mouth shut, they become popular through their actions, whether its a advantage at a certain sport or a unusual skill that onlythem seem to have, normally seen as dark people who just stay away from people, these poeple actually seem to enjoy being in a group normally mixing themselves up with other people sometimes just blending into the background.
These go well with Any Element

hope this helps
ps i wrote this myself sum congratz are in order i think X)
Water. Water is one of the most important elements that give's life on earth.
Oh and btw i pick water as well ;)
Dark, because fuck everything else.
Heart is an element, damnit!
I've always had an affinity for wind, myself. I guess because of the freedom it gives to just be able to fly around.
[color=blue]Fuck. I am all of these except dark![/color]
Mix between Water and Wind. I both carefree and calm headed.
Darks an element?

My element is Fire because im a Saggittarius but from the selection id say im closest to dark even though the description is a bit harsh! (Im not that much of a cunt... Honest) :(
I am all of the above.
something between earth and fire
Room101 Waifu Collector
Fire water.

Goes well with anything, except coherent thinking.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
Wind so i can FLY!!!!
I'm kind of split between water and earth. so i guess that makes me mud?
[font=Tahoma]Probably wind.
I've always considered myself carefree, easygoing and energetic...although my anxiety has shortened the energetic side a bit.[/font]
Mix by fire and earth I guess this is my observation on my self.
Leaning towards lightning.
I'm really a fan of wind. I have lived and is living under the concept of wind. The freedom it gives, you practically live a carefree life... I'll go with wind.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Every poll and other questionnaires categorize me as the Earth Type.
fire for sure...that suits me perfectly
Monster Girl
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