Whats your favorite brand of clothes/style

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tswarthog The Iconoclast
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
I have an Armani suit my father bought me that always make me feel like a BAMF when I wear it. Sadly, then it's back to a generic leather jacket and jeans... Oh, and my fuzzy hat. I love that thing. ^^
Since I'm australian and cool like that, i tend to wear stuff like trackpants and a t-shirt.. so basically, i end up wearing whatever is cheap and nice looking... my favourite shirt is a v-neck by rampage... And my trackpants are addidas ones.. My shoes are dc, i never stray from dc when getting mah skates.
Favourite brands: Dc, Bonds.
prefer vaans jeans for work wear, sure its a lil much for wear n tear clothes at around $40 a piece but they last forever, and i need durability, not some goodwill reject that lasts half a week. but when it comes to nicer shit i wear for clubs and such i usally go with whatever i borrow from my roomate, i got belowzero sense of fashion T_T
im fine with blue jeans and a grey shirt. i dont giva shit about bout fashion
Army surplus... Simple, Effective, Cheap! ;)
anything that's partly black and doesn't make me stand out too much
I wear a mixture of the following....

- Cargo pants
- Jeans
- Zipper Hoodies
- Band shirts
- Plain T's

I'm not one to really follow trends.

-skinny jeans...
-vans...or open toe heels...
-tank top...or open-V blouse
Just a plain shirt and jeans is good with me. I don't pay much attention to my appearance.
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